

A Good Day

Since 2004, June 4th has been a good day for me.

It started back then with the purchase of a condo.

The next year I got cable on that day. Trust me, after a year without cable you too would consider it a good day (even if it meant giving Comcast some of your money each month).

In 2006, the ex and I got married on June 4th. I know you'd think I wouldn't consider that a good day now and I would be all upset about it. However, I married him for a reason so it was a good day and I will always consider it so. Same for our one year anniversary which was in 2007.

Last year, on June 4th, I treated myself to a pedicure. That made my day good.

This year, I start a mini-adventure on the day I have deemed a good day for the past five years. Regardless of the outcome, I am excited about the chance I'm taking.

Today is June 4th - and it's going to be a good day.

Until later . . .

1 comment:

sara said...

Have fun on this good day!

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