

I See The World In Color

One down; one to go . . . And that one is almost finish too.

The first Banana Hannah socks was finished Sunday. It fits so nicely and looks awesome. The yarn pooled so incredibly nice you wouldn't even call it pooling. I know I've said this before, but I'll say it again . . . It's such a cool feeling to look at a hank of yarn and see the finished product.

With the onset of the summer, it's starting to appear that after the Banana Hannah socks I will be doing very little knitting for myself. Ideally, I'll be able to finish the January socks and maybe even the March and May pairs. However, I've been asked by two friends to make socks for them. Well, one is for them exactly and the pair is will be a gift for my friend's daughter. I'm more than happy to do so since these are good friends. Since I'm not doing a good job of cheating on my knitting right now I don't think I'll get much better at it going forward. I can't seem to split my concentration up between two projects. Summer is also a busy time of year for me. My weekends, for the next month at least, are pretty much packed already and the month has barely begun. My week nights seem to fly by as well. There is also the photography factor that has always been there, but becomes more apparent during the warmer months. I'm sure (hope) things will calm down, if not I'll have to reevaluate what I'm doing and see where I can shift things around. Or as I told one of my friends recently: Instead of getting overwhelmed - Divide and Conquer. In the end it's all good. I'll get in my knitting happiness when I can and be content with that.

I set the wheels in motion for decision number three today - or at least began to inquire about it with those involved. Should all my plans come to fruition, I will find myself spending part of the summer planning for the fall. More time taken away from knitting ... I'm sure I'll make it. :)

One last knitting related thing . . .

Dish Rag Tag:

Yep! It's that time of year once again. It just hit me just the other day when Emily posted about hurricane season. It made me think - isn't that when DRT should be taking place? If I remembered correctly, this fine weather phenomenon was the cause of delay of some DRT boxes last year. The talk boards of Rav are even starting to buzz with DRT talk and even I was talking it up to KP the other day. There is one small problem this year - the economy. Yes, the economy has put a damper on the lives of so many of us and now it's effecting DRT. Postage doesn't pay for itself and prizes don't grow on trees.

So, where am I going with this particular ramble? I think it would be great if we as a community could either donate prizes and/or raise the necessary funds to keep this swap running. I had a BLAST last year with this and would hate to see it fall victim to the economy. I think what's been going on over the past year in our world has already taken a toll on too many people. With that in mind, I ask that you just think about how you may be able to help this swap keep going. I know I have already thought of way I could help outside of paying the proposed entry fee.

Until later . . .

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