

Bullet Points

I seem to have a thing for bullet points lately. So here are some things on my mind that could potentially pop-up in upcoming blog posts . . .

• Boy(s) will be boy(s) and that is the problem.

• Watch out for the hit and run cake.

• If you're damned if you do and damned if you don't - what do you do in the meantime?

• Free is my favorite four letter word, but when it's next to the word yarn that is even better!

• Special Agent Oso, the unique stuffed bear, what will you say next?

• Can we just let him R.I.P.?

• The worst they can say is, "No" and the best they can say is, "Free Yarn!"

• Yarn Storming - I LOVE it!

• I admit it; I'm a contest whore.

• Stop hiding!

• Wow, am I really doing this?!

• It's nice to know my advanced education wasn't a total waste.

• Sometimes you have to look back to see how far forward you've really come.

• Happy Birthday Simba!

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

These sound like titles of plays at "Too Much Light Makes the Baby go Blind." :)

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