



This word greatly defines my world these days. There are so many things that are up in the air right now. Being the impatient person I am I want the answers to all these unknowns - and I want them NOW.

With all these things in flux, there is a part of me that is excited to see the outcome and a part of me that is scared. I like to believe that the good will override the bad; however, I know if the bad should come to pass I will be able to handle it and make do. I think if anything this is a test of my patience and faith. Not that my patience and faith haven't been tested before. This time is different because of the place I'm in.

I've always believed in the idea that things work out as they are suppose too, but to that same accord there has always been a side to me that tried to control the uncontrollable aspects of life. Over the past 6 months I've learned to accept I can't necessarily control everything and have stopped worrying about the uncontrollable factors. Instead, I've worked on those things I can control.

So here I am, waiting with very little knowledge. The knowledge I do have will be very important to my future. This includes the fact that I know I eventually won't be following the career path I have been on over the past 7 years. No, the change won't be tomorrow or a few months from now, but there is a change lingering in the distance. I can even see it taking place right now with the projects I'm currently working on. They are starting to take focus in a different area outside what would traditionally be the expertise of someone in my field. Honestly, I'm glad the powers that be recognize that my interests reside in a different area and are beginning to take me down that new path. A path I know I have talked about for some time, but not taken myself down purposely.

So, I guess at the end of the day I just need to take a chill pill, relax and enjoy the ride ahead of me. As I look back over the last year, I recognize there are things I've done that I wouldn't have ever imagined so I know that anything is possible.

There is however one thing I would like to know . . . has anyone found that decoder ring yet? It would be nice to at least get a little bit of a glimpse!

Until later . . .

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