

Purple Suede Elephant

I have this annoying habit of being that person who calls attention to the "purple suede elephant" in the middle of a room that no one wants to acknowledge. Personally, I don't find this annoying as I'd prefer better understand the things that don't make sense to me rather than just accept the status quo. Also, when I asked about the PSE I do so in a respectful manner - I don't want to cause any additional friction then there may already be. However, as I just mentioned, these questions can potentially lead to friction and backlash.

It is actually my current boss who has taught me to be direct with people when it comes to the questions I want to ask of others. Instead of trying to get an answer in a round-about manner it makes most sense to just be up front. Funny how that "open communication" approach thing works - isn't it. To this same accord, it's also had an effect on how I answer questions. Rather than avoid an uncomfortable question I face them head on.

That's all I really have to say on this topic. If there is any point to this entry it's just don't be afraid to ask about the things that don't make sense to you - chances are someone else has the same questions but is too afraid to ask themselves.

Until later . . .

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