

Random Stories and Thoughts

When I was first learning to drive the Drivers Ed teachers would take us to this one stretch of road that had a round-about so we could learn how to handle that type of intersection. I don't know how, but it got nicknamed "Suicide Circle" amongst all the students. After my one time encounter with SC I basically avoided that stretch of road. The next time I would drive it would be almost a decade later. As I made my way around SC I laughed because I recalled the silliness associated with the whole experience back in high school. However, regardless of how comfortable I feel with SC now I still think about the days of yesteryear.

Last night was the perfect example. Bostonian is in town and I agreed to travel to the old hood since B had come out to me the past two times we hung out. I happened to take the path that included encountering the dreaded circle. As I approached, the memories came flooding back as they always do. This time I wasn't stressing out about how to handle the round-about. All I cared about was that I choose the right street to turn on to as the signs aren't the most clear around that area. Thankfully, I had no problems. Now if I had just had as easy of a time finding our intended meeting place.


Though it's only been more than a month since Summer officially started so much has happened, including the return to the hood of an old friend and their family and Bostonian's upcoming return. Though I know I won't see either of these friends on a regular basis, it's nice to know they are just a car ride away - no planes involved! For awhile it seemed like all my friends were moving out-of-state and now it seems like that is all changing. It seems like people are migrating back all of the sudden. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. Actually it's kind of ironic as I've been seriously considering a relocation of my own. Nothing is written in stone, but it's being taken into serious consideration. So much so that I've told my mom about the possibility. She's never been super keen on the idea of me moving away, again, but she has been very supportive of my recent relocation considerations. I guess I'll just have to see what happens. If I do it, I don't anticipate it being anytime soon. Then again, anything is possible.


Road Construction Anyone?

In the past three week it has become apparent to me there are very few roads that don't have some sort of road construction taking place. I guess the stimulus funds have filtered through the system and into the pockets of the municipalities. Though I know it's a good thing, it would be nice to have some construction free roads. Interestingly enough, the Fed is apparently looking into how the states are actually spending the funds that were intended for bridge repair. They feel that most states are taking that money and using it for easier project - such as street repairs. Hmmm. . .

What boggles my mind the most is that the one stretch of road in my area that needs repair most isn't being worked on. I'm talking this is pot-hole city and I find myself avoiding the road at all cost. I'd rather use a bit more gas and take a longer route in an effort to avoid the road than damage my rotors by exposing them to this mess.



I heard on the radio that the government is looking at taxing plastic surgeries as a revenue source for the President's health care package. I'm not necessarily opposed to this, but I start to wonder if this will cause individuals to seek physicians who will agree to document some of these procedures as medically necessary just so they can avoid such taxes.


"So Long As Our Love Endures."

Apparently, "So long as our love endures" is becoming more popular in wedding vows than "Until death do us part." When I heard this so many different things come to mind I wouldn't even know where to begin.

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