

Alternate Universe

• I enjoyed my alternate universe while it lasted.

• Don't compliment someone if it's going to be a half-ass one.

• "Technical Resources" = Bandwidth

• Be careful what you promise.

• There is a plan - I just don't know what it is at this moment.

• I'm more girly than it might appear.

• Cultivating young talent is important.

• I always wanted to be one of the "cool kids." Now, not so much.

• They're kind of like the paparazzi... There are times you need them to accomplish the task at hand, but most of the time you just want them to go away.

• The feature really does work - woohoo!

• Fire. Tooth. Pony.

• I hope they didn't need the table.

• (719): "Put down the boy n walk away."

• Great! Another addiction.

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