

Gettin' Close To 40

My Sock Yarn Blankie is getting close to 40 squares. Not as big of a growth spurt as I had a week or two ago, but it's still a growth spurt. Right now I consider this project a Sock Yarn Laptop Cover because that is about all it really covers right now.

The Official Sock Yarn Blankie Square Count for July 21, 2009:

Squares Needed: 736

Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 39 (3 more square than last week.)

Squares Ready to be Added: 0

Remaining Squares Needed: LOTS! In real numbers 697

Other projects that I've been working on include my socks for my coworker's daughter's birthday and a scarf for one of my mom's coworkers who helped me out a lot last year.

For the socks, affectionately known as the Sweet Sixteen sock I have used bare yarn which I will be tye dyeing. Currently they are in an undyed state as you can see in the picture below:

Sweet Sixteen Sock - Undyed

One of the challenges I had with this project is the size of the socks. They are size 8 which is about a size and a half larger than my foot size. Before I grafted the toe I wanted to make sure they would fit properly so I turned to my knitting peeps. Let me tell you, I don't know that many people with size 8 feet. However, alas, I did find someone with the right shoe size and who was willing to try them on for me! They fit perfectly! WooHoo! This coming weekend I will be tie dyeing these with the supervision of thistlechick who has dyed yarn before. We will definitely be doing some test tie dyeing prior to touching the socks. I would HATE to mess them up and have to start over. Especially since the birthday is just around the corner.

The scarf I'm making is the Easy Drop Stitch Scarf which I've made for myself and my mom. My scarf is made from the leftover DK yarn I used for my first pair of socks and my mom's from a beautiful lace I bought at Stitches last September. This scarf is being made using the yarn I featured for my blog contest. I was very fortunate to have gotten the extra hank of yarn and I wanted to do something special with it for someone special. One of the suggestions posted to my blog was the Drop Stitch Scarf. That's when it all came together. I had not properly thanked my mom's coworker for two major things she did for me last year and thought this would be the perfect thank you. Also, she's a knitter as well so I'm sure she'll appreciate it even more! Below is a picture of what I have so far:

Gratitude Scarf

With those two projects in the works, I'm starting to look ahead at other projects. Of course there are always socks to be made, but I also need to get back to baby blanket making as two of my friends are expecting this coming Fall. I also have a friend who would like for me to make them some scarfs so I have that coming up as well. Then, of course, there is holiday knitting. Lots of fun times ahead!

Last, but never least I want to send belated Happy Birthday wishes to BFF... I'm glad you had a good one!

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Grace said...

beautiful projects!!

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