

It All Started With Fingerless Gloves

I still laugh when I look at my first blog post. I was so proud of the fact that I was using DPNs and I was determined to make those fingerless gloves. Yeah. . . that didn't turnout so well. The DPNs were super foreign to me as I had only used straight needles up to that point. This was understandable given the fact that up to that point all I had ever knit was baby blankets and scarfs. My addiction to socks was several months in the future and I'd crank-out a hat - or two - before tackling the scary world of socks. Back then, this blog was strictly knitting. Straying off topic was just as forbidden as was working on two projects at one time. No cheating allowed!

365 days and 232 posts later that has all changed. DPNs are the only type of needles I seem to use these days, straying off topic is a given and I not only have opened up to the idea of cheating on my knitting, I've even tried to do so at one point. Most importantly, I've enjoyed it all immensely.

This blog has taught me a lot about myself, people and technology. The first year of blogging has given me the opportunity to be creative in a way that I had never done before. It has also opened my eyes of to a million more different things I want to learn more about.

Over this next year it's my hope that I can open up more about things going on in my life and not be as vague. This is something I've struggled with for many reasons and have come to realize that hiding can sometime cause more anguish and grief than necessary.

I hope you have enjoyed reading my blog as much as I have had writing it. I look forward to sharing more of my adventures with you over this upcoming year.

Until later . . .

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