

Economic Stimulus?

I in no way, shape or form want to disrespect the passing of Michael Jackson, but I have to wonder if MJ's passing will help stimulate the US economic stituation.

I was listening to one of the morning shows on the radio this morning and they were talking about the Michael Jackson tribute that will be taking place tomorrow in Los Angeles at the Staples Center. They were commenting on how quickly the event sold out and how tickets were already up on Ebay for $20K+. Oy Vey!

In a search of my own, old concert ticket stubs are going anywhere from $3 to more than $600. Autographed memorabilia will get you even more. Especially if it's from his Thriller days. (Or at least that was my observation.)

Amongst the more costly items I found on Ebay (with actual bids or offers):

Though I know this is all normal, and in death he will probably generate more earnings than he did over last years of his life, I just have to step back for a moment and shake my head that I even dare to believe that MJ's death will somehow help the US economy rebound from it's economic woos.

Lastly, I have to point out that the radio personalities this morning did suggest the conspiracy theory that MJ is really still alive and this is all a publicity stunt to kick off his long awaited concert. If that is the case. . . well, it makes me ill to even think a promoter would even stoop that low so I won't even go there.

Until later. . .


sara said...

I'm pretty sure everyone thought Elvis was still alive, too. His death has generated a lot of sales, but after I heard he died, I couldn't help but feel sorry for all the people working on his tour. They are out of a job :-(

Just a Girl In the World said...

Maybe I'm just to idealistic.

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