


If you've read my blog long enough, it shouldn't be a surprise to you if I said that for better or worse, I love my friends to death. They are just an extension of my immediate family as far as I'm concerned. Yes, I know a lot of people, but at the end of the day there are is a small circle of individuals are truly consider "good friends."

I am thankful for them. One of the beautiful things about friendship is that these are the people who choose to share their life with you and for whom you choose to share yours with. And, that is even after they've been exposed to your very own special brand personality. (Yeah, this is the "no matter what part of the deal.") I try not to take my friendships for granted, but it's not something I go around thanking each and every one of them for on a regular basis. (Life seems to get in the way of that all too often.)

So, what is motivating this "sap-fest"?

Well, two things . . .

The first is that I've been thinking about friendships I've lost over the years. One in particular. It was a circumstantial loss and one that I think about periodically. I also didn't end the friendship very gracefully. I really wasn't in the place to do so. I just knew that it had to end because I wasn't comfortable being friends with them when I knew they were friends with someone else that I no longer was going to have anything to do with. I felt there was a conflict of interest I guess you can say. In the end I knew I did the right thing, but I hate that I never explained this point to them. I just shut them out. This is the second time I had ended a friendship in an abrupt manner. Thankfully, I am now friends again with the first person. (Thank you BFF for forgiving me.) However, this particular friendship I speak of above is one that I don't believe I'll ever rekindle which is a bit sad. However, people come into your life sometime just for a brief moment and it what we take from that time together that is important. There is surely a lot I got out of knowing them.

The second reason has to do with a "friendaversary" that I have around this time. I like friendaversaries. Like I said, my good friendships are just an extension of my immediate family so why wouldn't I get sentimental.

Now that I've loaded you up on tons of sugar there is only one thing left to say.

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

this was very sweet. i'm glad you appreciate your friends. :)

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