

Morning Thoughts

Before I went to sleep last night I caught up on a few blogs I follow. Of them was one that left me thinking, "I wish I could be that brave." It wasn't the first time a blog left me feeling that way, but it was the first time that a blog written by someone I knew left me feeling that way.

Last night I spoke of keeping a balancing act. It is that same balancing act that holds me back from being brave and fully expressing some of the things that bother me and need to get off my chest. This morning I still feel the same way. It's my hope that one day I can be as brave as my friend was last night. 'Til that day comes, I will just put my admiration for those that do out into cyberspace hoping that one day it makes its way back to me and finally penetrates my words.

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I hope you'll reach that point someday. You know you have my support!

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