


I credit, and thank, the fashion industry for my existence. I literally mean that if it weren't for fashion I would not be alive.

During his lifetime, my dad was a salesman who sold women's clothes. My mom, as a young woman, worked for a clothing manufacture named Herbert Levy. A line my dad just happened to represent.

(I find it somewhat ironic that I don't believe in workplace romances because it is such a romance that ultimately led to my being.)

As a child, I spent lots of time at Chicago's Apparel Mart since my parents had a showroom there in the early - to mid - 80's. During my many visits I occupied the time by examining the samples my parents carried, along with the lines of all the others showrooms on the same floor. Everyone knew who I was and as long as there were not clients to assist they were more then happy to let me be.

Visiting my parents at work wasn't the only time I spent at "the mart." My mom's Hadassah group would put on an annual fashion show fund raiser there as well. Year-after-year-after-year as the models walked around in the lovely garments and accessories I dreamed of the day I would finally get my chance to participate. And, around the age of 9/10 years-old I finally got my moment in the sun.

There was only one things I really didn't like about growing up around this industry. For countless hours I would hear about fashion trends. Trends that I really didn't care about. (Truth be told, I still really don't to this day.) At that time what I cared about most was what I liked and what I felt comfortable wearing. However, when Women's Wear Daily (WWD) is a permanent fixture at your home there is no escaping these conversations. A small price to pay for all the other good stuff I guess.

Today, fashion still memorizes me. I often myself cruising the sites of various designers to view their latest and greatest collections. Or, spending hours at a time in clothing shops looking at garment I know I would never buy for me, but admire regardless. As I stare at the various designs I appreciate them on so many levels. The expression of ones self, the expression of our culture and the expression of art all wrap-up in one. I'm especially fascinated with dresses of all sorts. During my "I'm going to be a fashion designer" phase I would fantasize of the fabulous special occasion collection I was going to create.

You are probably asking yourself where this is all this rambling coming from . . .

I've been watching a lot of Project Runway lately. In addition to being fascinated with the finished product, I'm also fascinated with the design process itself. I admire the abilities these people have and secretly wish I had half their talent. It has also taken me back to my childhood when it was all about "making it work."

To close out this post I'd like to say though Mr. Levy was not at the same level as Dolce & Gabbana, Vera Wang or even the next Project Runway winner, many people lived and celebrate their lives through his collections - including me.

Thank you Mr. Levy. I am forever in your debt.

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

i posted about fashion a while ago. it's interesting how much there is to say on the topic. :) i'm thankful to fashion for the same reason you are....your existence. :)

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