

Spring Awakening

Written last night, but not posted . . .


• 1 may be the new 2, but I will never accept 12 as the new 1. (At least not right now.)

• Slow and steady - there may be something to this.

• I wish I had gotten a 9.

• "First we eat, then we spin."

• Knowing a pattern so well you could make it in your sleep is a lovely thing... a truly lovely thing.

• After dinner gum

• What part of the sign did they not understand?

• "Oh shit! When did I grow up!?"

• I really didn't need to see what I saw . . . Really! I didn't!

• I like calm.

• Three down. Five to go.

• A few inches made all the difference!

• It's so sad to say goodbye!

• Knitting makes everything better.

Until later . . .

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