


This week, I want to start with a few stories from this past week or so rather than the blankie "stats." All of them have to do with the generosity I've experienced over the past couple of weeks/months and all area associated with this project.

To all those in the knitting community that have been so generous over the past few years I want to express my heartfelt appreciate and say Thank You!

Story One: The Market

KittiBean asked me if I wanted to check out a sale that was going on at a local yarn store. Since I was going to be in the area I decided to join her - I mean why not? As we were walking around contemplating our purchases I commented that I didn't even know why I was thinking about getting more sock yarn since I don't really knit socks lately due to my obsession with getting to teh 736 squares much sooner rather than later. That's when I got to talking with the owner of the shop. She said there was a beautiful mitered square blanket she had seen and wondered if that is what I was working on. When I said no I tried, quite unsuccessfully might I say, to describe the project. So, I decided since it was outside in my car I would just run out and get blankie out to show her. The owner of the shop was impressed and another individual there said, "I was truly a knitter." I'm not sure what that means, but I took it as a compliment.

After I showed off blankie, I folded it up and put it back in my knitting bag and went about browsing. A few minutes later, the owner of the shop came up to me with a plastic bag full of samples of Kogui yarn that she had gotten at market. She told me I was welcome to take a few. Umm . . . Let's just say my eyes were popping out of my head with excitement. I have to admit I was a special kind of spoiled and wanted to ask, "Just a few? Not the whole bag?" However, I refrained. It took me awhile to choose just a few, but I was able to narrow down my selection and I think I thanked the store owner at least 20 times.

Story Two: Badly Behaved Elvis

So, I left the shop and headed to knit group. I was SO excited to share my story with everyone there. Upon my arrival I started to ramble on about what had happened and showed off my fibrous goodies. Then Happy Hooker said to me, "Oh, that makes what I have for you seem like nothing." I looked at her with a confused look on my face. "Well, my dog, Elvis, got into this and I just can't keep it anymore so I wanted to give it to you to add to your beautiful blanket. The only catch is that you have to untangle it," she said as she proceeded to hand me two balls of Mini Mochi. (OMG!!!) I stood there with an even more confused look on my face. "What?" I thought to myself. I graciously accepted the yarn and thanked H2 profusely. That evening I began untangling the yarn and by the next day it not only was untangled, but also wound into nice yarn cakes. That's when I decided H2 clearly didn't mean to give them to me. I e-mailed her to let her know the "Mochi Mess" was no more. The beautiful yarn had been revived from its dismal state and I would be more than happy to return them to her. Untangling them had been enjoyable enough. Her replied back basically told me there were no ifs, ands or buts about it - the yarn was mine.

I haven't put the Mochi in blankie yet, but I will soon. I am still in awe it is mine. I have to say it was awfully sweet of H2 to give it to me and I appreciate the gesture greatly.

Story Three: Swap Mom

I've stopped counting the number of blankie swaps I've hosted. I actually couldn't imagine not having one going. Though I know it's a gesture of appreciation, I still am always touched by some of the little gifts I receive as thank yous for hosting swaps.

And now . . .

The Official Sock Yarn Blankie Square Count for April 20, 2010:

Squares Needed: 736

Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 609

Remaining Squares Needed: LOTS! In real numbers 127

Until later . . .

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