

Yellow Roses

• Hole in one baby!

• A different direction is a refreshing change.

• Ribbit! Ribbit! Ribbit!

• Another one is now in the past.

• Only made it through 10,000 of the 1,000,000,000. How many can you make it through?

• Being cognizant of deadlines is a good thing . . . a REALLY GOOD thing!

• I don't know if I should take it as a compliment or not

• "froggy fun"

• Front and center - it's like they knew I was coming.

• Kept telling folks there would be one more WONS shower of this season. Everyone kept telling me I was wrong. Unfortunately, I think I will be right after all.

• Dear Mr. Driver - The light was blatantly red. That means STOP. Thank you very much. - Froggie

• Button holes happen

• Sign of life are emerging

• Remember - April showers bring May flowers. : D

Until later . . .

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