

"A Very Merry Unbirthday"

I was watching the animated version of "Alice In Wonderland" recently with two of my favorite little ones when the "Unbirthday" song scene came on.

How appropriate since today's Thursday topic is about birthday traditions! That's right. Jenn @ Charmingly Random asked us this week to right about our birthday tradition. Or, any tradition we have just in general if we didn't have a birthday tradition.

I have to admit I do LOVE the "unbirthday" song even though I am not a fan of the movie "Alice In Wonderland." It's a fun song and points out that we should celebrate us everyday. (I know! I know! I'm getting deep again. I promised this is the last hint of deep in this post - or at least I will try to keep it to a minimum.)

Whether I celebrate my birthday or not kind of depends on where I am in life. Most of the time I do want to celebrate in some capacity, but as I found this past year that isn't always the case. In 2009 I was very chill about my birthday and only did a few things for the occasion. On the actually day I kept a low profile and relaxed as much as I could. Truth be told, it was nice and just want the doctor ordered.

On this blog I've developed a tradition of sharing the events that transpire leading up to the day, the day before reflection and the day of post. The original day before post was a result of Facebook wishing me a happy birthday the day before. Not much of a reflection, but nonetheless it had a pre-birthday base. I was insistent about claiming my last hours at the age 32. The original day of post as a result of the pre-birthday post and a cute graphic. Additionally I like the whole "Froggie v. (insert number)." I think it speaks to my believe that I'm ever changing in the way I approach life. That said, I didn't really intend for it to be a "tradition." It was originally more or less something to post about. In 2009 it just seemed to be appropriate to repeat what I had started. Especially since I went on so much about the gift "drama" leading up to the day. I do believe as long as I have this blog I will continue this post.

As for other traditions . . . I can only think of two. I always anticipate snow on my birthday. It seems to be a tradition mother nature likes to keep - with the exception of years here and there. Additionally, I always pause around the time I was actually born. I don't know why, I just do. Maybe it's just a recognition of the fact there is no more denying I'm a year older.

For move birthday fun I encourage you to read my fellow bloggers thoughts on this topic:

Mel @ Me!!!

Shara @ Desperate Madness

Until later . . .


Anonymous said...

I love the Very Merry Unbirthday song, too! :) Also - I love your new theme!! Very purpley & pretty!

Melissa said...

very insightful. thanks for sharing. :)

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