

Religiously Speaking

This weeks topic, brought to you by Mel @ Me!!!, was to talk about what our favorite thing about our religion is.

My mom once asked me what love was. "How did I know I was in love?" was her exact question. I looked at her funny and tried to describe what I was feeling. However, I really couldn't put it into words. That's how I feel about this topic. I can't put my thoughts on it into words.

I thought if I ruminated about it long enough I would come up with at least one I thing I liked most about my religion and why, I would write about. When the words weren't coming to me I starting talking about it with a friend of mine thinking that would strike a cord and I would have an "ah-ha" moment. That would open of the flood gates and the words would pour out. Yeah . . . not so much.

I'm not the most religious/observant person in the world and G-d knows I have strayed from my Judaism on many occasion. None of this means/meant I wasn't a believer; it just means/meant that I am taking the journey, spiritually, that is meant for me.

I could probably talk about being Jewish from a religious and cultural perspective. I could discuss why I enjoy the holidays. Or, even tell you about some of the principles of Judaism that I find interesting. That still wouldn't capture how I feel.

All I can say is that I do have faith in G-d and I am proud, and honored, to be Jewish. It's a faith and pride that can never be taken away from me - even during the times I try to take it away from myself.


Here is what my fellow bloggers had to say on the same topic:

Jenn @ Charmingly Random

Shara @ Desperate Madness

Until later . . .


Melissa said...

thanks for your honesty about this topic. i'm glad you have faith in Hashem and that you enjoy being jewish.

Anonymous said...

This is quite an interesting read! Thanks for sharing!! :)

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