

Hmmm . . .

Sometime I feel like a broken record.

I work hard not to repeat myself. At least not too much. If I were to write about the topic for this week's Thursday post - As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? As a grown up, did you choose the profession you wanted as a child? If you didn't, what drew you to the profession you have? - I would be repeating what I've already written about. Ok, maybe not the last part, but surely the first two questions.

(Sorry Jenn @ Charmingly Random! I tried. I really tried!)

That being the case, I considered how I was going to approach situation. Some of the ideas:

Joke About It

I considered pretending I that I really wanted to be a Stripper/Exotic Dancer as a kid, but it didn't work out because I just didn't have the goods. However, then I decided that it could be in poor taste.

Top Ten List

Oh, how I love lists! Then I thought, maybe I would put a list together of all the things I dreamed of being now as an adult. But I think I've talked about those things too.

Play On Pop Culture

A friend offered up the idea of doing a play on pop culture. Take a pop culture reference, such "I wanted to be a Toy R' Us kid" and write about that. Tempting, but it didn't spark my creative juices.

Lastly . . .

What I Didn't Want

I thought maybe a twist on the topic would be what careers I never wanted to touch - EVER. STILL - no luck

So, instead what you get , this week, is me, writing about the writing process and how it failed me. Or, did I fail it? Hmmm . . . Maybe there is a future blog post topic there . . .


See what my fellow bloggers aspired to be when they were kids by checking out the links below:

Jenn @ Charmingly Random

Mel @ Me!!!

Shara @ Desperate Madness


Melissa said...

sorry this topic wasn't easy for you to write. i like your spin on it, as the ways you were wanting to approach the topic. i'm sure we're all going to get topics that we hit a roadblock on. i hope we can all be as fun and creative as you were about it.

Anonymous said...

At least you always make me smile! Always an interesting twist... and I would have LOL if you had said you dreamed about being an exotic dancer!! Nice!!

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