

Where are they now? #2KCBWDAY4 #2KCBW

Today's Topic: Whatever happened to your __________?
Write about the fate of a past knitting project. Whether it be something that you crocheted or knitted for yourself or to give to another person. An item that lives with you or something which you sent off to charity.

In the beginning, most of my projects were baby blankets. Thus, they reside in the homes of others. I would like to think the babies (now toddlers) in question still have them.

As I progressed I moved into making hats and scarves. I have all the scarves I've made, but some of the hats have since found other homes. (I hope they are happy.)

Then there are the countless pairs of socks I've made... Some take up residence at the homes of my loved ones. Some call my dresser home.

Lastly, there is my sock yarn blankie... I completed it this past November. Post completion, its first real use was when I attended a sub-zero Bears game back in December.

Yep! That's what I'm holding underneath my left arm.

Until later . . .

A Special Kind Of Embarrassed

The Thursday Blog Project is back!

This is a little something myself and three other friends did back in the first half of 2010. Recently, I felt to resurrect the idea. So I asked some of my girls if they'd be up for joining me. Guess what they said?

Joining me this time around is:

Mel of Merryland Girl awesomeness!

Susanna who share with us how Parenting is a Special Kind of Crazy!

and . . .

Sarh who is the ultimate "Mom-a-Rock!"

Oh, and as y'all know ... I'm froggie (who hardly knits like crazy anymore). :)

To start things off, Sarah asked us to talk about an embarrassing moment.

Me get embarrassed? NEVER!

Well, at least I don't get embarrassed as much as I use too. However, I still do get embarrassed. This mainly has to do with the fact that I'm a very shy person - placed in the body of an extrovert. So, given the right conditions embarrassment is eminent.

It is difficult for me to come up with a specific incident of embarrassment. Over the years I've embarrassed myself so much I have pretty much blocked a lot the things I've done out. I see no reason to replay these points in time over and over and over again.

Most recently, I was embarrassed by the guy at the Apple Store the day I bought my phone. Don't get me wrong, my new buddy Brain definitely made the experience WAY more entertaining than going to a provider store would have been. However, this fun came at a bit of an expense to me.

As I've repeatedly said over the past weeks I was SUPER excited when I went to purchase my phone. Brain picked up on this early on and humored me. He said, it's pretty normal and he finds it entertaining. I appreciated it and honesty, and I appreciated his light-hearted attitude and humor. It was really after my phone was activated that the embarrassment began. My friend, Firefly, was with me as she had business to attend to at the fruit store as well. Firefly started ripping on me because I couldn't stop smiling.... and it wasn't just a smile, it was like a little kid who just saw all the presents under the Christmas tree type of smiling. I believe I was glowing. Instead of just laughing at me, Brian flamed the "kid and Christmas tree" flame. I can't really do justice to the type of things that embarrassed me. You kind of had to be there. By the end, my new friend was trying to draw attention to me giddiness. To me this is the equivalent of having a group of waiters sing Happy Birthday as loud as possible. I'm all about the free dessert, but not having everyone in the restaurant staring at me.

Oh my! That just brought back another embarrassing moment. HA! I guess that means I have another blog post should this topic come up again. :)

Until later . . .


Tidy Mind, Tidy Stitches #2KCBWDay3 #2KCBWD

Today's Topic: How do you keep your yarn wrangling organized? It seems like an easy to answer question at first, but in fact organization exists on many levels. Maybe you are truly not organized at all, in which case I am personally daring you to try and photograph your stash in whatever locations you can find the individual skeins. However, if you are organized, blog about an aspect of that organization process, whether that be a particularly neat and tidy knitting bag, a decorative display of your crochet hooks, your organized stash or your project and stash pages on Ravelry.

There are people out there that don’t have a large yarn stash. They buy just enough yarn for their projects – no more; no less. I use to be one of those people when I first started knitting. Then I discovered yarn shops. That’s when I started working towards S.A.B.L.E (Stash Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy). Or, at least it appeared I was working towards S.A.B.L.E.

In the beginning, ALL my yarn was stored in my storage ottoman. I found this the perfect place for it as this piece of furniture resided between my sofa and my entertainment center. I didn’t need to leave my seat to get yarn. Additionally, the depth of the storage area was just right. Back then, my yarn was arranged by type of yarn and had a designated section of the ottoman. Yes, each type of yarn had its “section.” At one point I even had them in plastic containers in the ottoman. I got over this phase very quickly.

Upon moving to a new place, I relocated some of my yarn stash. Acrylic yarns would remain in my storage ottoman; however, all the “good stuff,” a.k.a. all my wool/wool blend stash, was placed in my cedar chest. Organization in the ottoman became a free-for-all. Honestly, even these days I’ll just open it up and throw my acrylic in there with out a second thought to rhyme or reason. (Wow! Just reading that makes me realize how much love I "don't" show acrylic.

The cedar chest is another story. Sock yarn rides in the upper half of the chest and all other weight yarns in the lower half. My sock yarn definitely has way more organization to it then the worsted or other weight yarns. (Yes, I also play favorites with my good stuff to some degree.) How sock yarn is organized depends . . . Momentarily they are arranged by dyer. Sometimes they are arranged by color. Other times I’ll group them based upon the type of project I have in mind for them – socks vs. shawls. Can you say uber organization?

Even the minis for the sock yarn blankie project has a home to call its own. All the minis reside in a plastic bag that once housed comforter set. (I stole the idea from a friend.)

I find all this organization interesting because it's really the only thing in my place the is THAT organized. Or at least it is the only think that I recognize to be THAT organized. I do pride myself on the fact that if I wanted, you could step into my place and never really know how much yarn I have in my possession. It is my preference that it is that way. It actually bothers me a bit to have yarn all over the place. Even the tiniest scrap of yarn lying on the floor bug me.

On the flip-side of all this .... organization of my needles and other various knitting accoutrement is virtually non-existent. I'm lucky I still can find the basics - needles and crochet hook. Actually, sometimes I can't. I suppose now that since my stash is so well organized it is time to focus on organizing these items.

Until later . . .


A Penny For Your Thoughts

• Watched pots don't boil... and neither do watched status portals. I don't like waiting. Especially when I think I know what the answer is going to be. I'd like my answer now so I can move forward. I'm trying to be patient. Ideally, I will find something to take my attention away from the wait. Any ideas folks?

• It's day 20? Really? I stopped counting. They say it takes 21 days to form a habit. If that is the case then I'm just a day away. This week, thus far, there has been no temptation. Is the withdrawal phase over? Could it be that I will never eat chocolate again? Stay tuned!

• Apparently the mechanic is just as picky about where I park my car as the management company.

• How many blog posts can one person write in one evening? I'm attempting to find out!

• She's a licensed attorney and what is she doing? She's a yarn shop owner. I find this a bit humorous. Of course being a yarn shop owner is just plain awesome regardless. If I lived close by I would have asked if she was hiring - even just for a part-time gig. That would be a cool job and she seemed like someone I'd enjoy working with.

• The next couple of evenings are busy, and I should be preparing for them. What am I doing instead? Blogging.

• So far, I'm 2-for-2 on the 2nd Annual Knit/Crochet Blog Week. I'm trying not to use the wild card topic. I hope I can stay the course!

• My heart doesn't hurt anymore. Those four pages did so much more than just help me define my intentions.

• I sincerely hope that this is just a blip in our friendship.

• At what point does one get rid of cable? My TV viewing has decreased vastly.

• I'm trying not to think so many steps ahead. It's hard not to when you have a ton of decisions to make, but so many unknowns. There is a reason for the watched pot. Once the pot boils I will be able to make my next moves.

• A state of calm is a strange state to be in. I appreciate these moments.

• Two down; one more to go. I've been holding off on the third because I have to decided whether or not I want to retake the test again this summer or give myself some more time and take it later this year. If I put it off, I am taking a chance the current results won't have as much of an adverse effect as I think they will.

Until later . . .

Skill Up + 1 #2KCBWDAY2 #2KCBW

Today's Topic: Look back over your last year of projects and compare where you are in terms of skill and knowledge of your craft to this time last year. Have you learned any new skills or forms of knitting/crochet (can you crochet cable stitches now where you didn’t even know such things existed last year? Have you recently put a foot in the tiled world of entrelac? Had you even picked up a pair of needles or crochet hook this time last year?.

I believe I spent a majority of 2010 working my my Sock Yarn Blankie. What can I say, mitered square were in! However, there were a few pairs of socks made here and there. In the process of making some of these socks I learned how make socks on circular needles and how to make two socks at one time. I also learned that if I really wanted, I could knit a pair of socks in one weekend. (I believe, however, that speaks more to my determination when I set a goal than it does any knitting abilities.)

Looking forward, some of the knitting skills I would like to tackle include:

• Toe-up Socks
• Magic Loop
• Make a sweater (I still have the yarn I bought for the February Lady Sweater somewhere around here)
• Entrelac
• Colorwork

Just to name a few things. I'm not sure I will get to all of these this year, but all in good time. :)

Until later . . .


A Tale Of Two Yarns #2KCBWDAY1 #2KCBW

Periodically I knit.

It is for this reason I decided to join in on the second annual Knitting and Crochet Blog week.

Today's Topic: Choose two yarns that you have either used, are in your stash or which you yearn after and capture what it is you love or loathe about them.

Loving yarn is not a requirement for being a knitter, or crocheter. In fact, I've heard there are those that buy yarn specifically for project. No more; no less.

I'm not one of those people. I have a fairly healthy yarn stash to choose from. I haven't reached S.A.B.L.E. (Stash Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy) and I don't really anticipate ever doing some. Since I'm a sock knitter at heart, I've decided to talk about my favorite, and not so favorite, sock yarns.

In the favorite category is Lorna's Laces Shepard Sock. Lorna's was one of the first sock yarns I acquired after learning to make socks. I bought two pairs worth as a Valentine's Day present to myself back in 2009. Aside from the obvious reason to love Shepherd's sock yarn - the beautiful colors that don't pool strangely - it is a sturdy yarn. I'm tough on my socks and typically opt for store bought socks when heading out for trips downtown (which always involve lots of walking). However, over the past couple of months, I started wearing my Lorna's socks instead. I find this amusing since once upon a time I wouldn't have even thought to make them more than just a house sock. Now, I take these socks on nice, long hikes and have yet to see any signs of wear (knock on wood!).

On the flip side . . .

The worst sock yarn I've ever worked with is Wisdom Yarns Poem Sock. To me this is more like roving. I bought this yarn several months back to make my brother a pair of socks for his birthday. I only got as far as casting on the stitches when my yarn split. I thought it was a joke. I was not happy. I tried casting on stitches again thinking maybe I hit a weak-spot. Once again, the yarn split. Since I was with a friend at the time, I asked her to try it out. It did the same thing a third time. "Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice shame on you." Fool me a third time . . . if I wasn't able to get my money back, this yarn was heading for the trash (and I don't believe in throwing away yarn). A few days later, I posted to the Rav group about this issue; no one else had a similar experience. Even the Wisdom Yarns rep had never heard of this problem. Eventually, I ended up returning the yarn and bought something else. I have to admit I was disappointed and a bit sad. I really liked the colors I had chosen for my brother's socks. The moral of the story - at least for me - is to stay away from this yarn all together.

Until later . . .



When it comes to blogging, lately I seem to function best using bullet points or short (or sometimes not so short) blurbs. Since my last post I've started three one topic posts that have yet to see the light of day. I hope that I can finish them in the near future. I have a lot on my mind that I want to share.

Despite all that is on my mind that I wish to launch into cyberspace, over the past couple of weeks I haven't felt much like writing super in-depth post about anything due to the fact that I've been focusing on writing, and editing, in-depth essays in real life. Thankfully, that I've completed this exercise. Hopefully never have to do this again. Or at least have to write about myself like I had to for these essays. I found the experience to be interesting, but a bit over answering non-questions. Personally I like answering direct questions. To make my frustration with non-questions more entertaining, I've come up with a list of "non" things. I'm dragging this out so much that it's become some what of a bad joke amongst some of my friends and I. Or should I say it's a "non-joke"? Either way, I'm letting run its course. I'm thankful the people around me don't mind humoring me.

This week, sleeping has trumped blogging. Typically I don't get around to blogging until late in the evenings. My downfall is the fact that I get settled in bed and then I start writing. Soon after I start this process I get tired. I then tell myself I'm just going to close my eyes "for a few minutes."

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about sleeping so much. Actually I'm thrilled I'm getting so much sleep. I feel as though I'm catching up on two years worth of sleep. There is definitely nothing like a good nights sleep. It makes a world of difference and put me in a much better mindset during the day.

Awhile back I mentioned expected the unexpected. This past week the unexpected happened - twice actually. Really, it was so unexpected I almost tweeted that hell had just frozen over and it was a good thing I like to ice skate. (However, I chose to refrain as I'm working on my smartass/sarcastic ways.) Though I do hope for good things and am optimist, I approach a lot of situations from a realistic point of view. I think it's important to have a grounded sense of situations in an effort to manage expectations. I believe that is why the unexpected always surprises me when it actually happens.

Since I believe in the power of threes - things, good or bad, almost always come in threes - I'm now wondering what "hell frozen over" number three will be. (Hopefully there will be a third.) I'm also wondering who the third celebrity/famous person to pass away will be. I don't necessarily want another famous person to die, but again, it seems like that is how it goes.

Tomorrow starts the 2nd Annual Knitting and Crochet Blog Week 2011. I wasn't aware such a thing existed until recently. I've been debating if I'm going to participate. I'd really like to write more about knitting since, in theory, this is a knitting blog. Plus, I feel like a lot of what I've been writing about lately has been so damn serious. Unfortunately, my schedule is massively changing this week so I'm not sure how this project will fit into the new mix. Hopefully, at the very least I will be able to post once or twice during the week. I encourage other knitters and crocheters to check it out and participate!

I've traded my obsession with playing games on facebook for playing games on my phone. This week I added a bunch of word games such as Scrabble, Word Search and Logic Puzzles. I also found free versions of Angry Birds Rio and Seasons. If I end up loving these versions of the game then I'll download the paid copies. Until then, these should suffice for now.

I realize I'm being an uber dork over this phone thing; however, I don't really care. I haven't done something like this for myself in a long time. It was time. Also, I think it's funny. I'm totally laughing at myself - along with everyone else.

That's all for now.

Until later . . .


Games On The Go

I'm surprised it took my five days to discover all the games I could download onto my new phone. For that matter, I'm surprised it took one of my friends asking what games I've downloaded for me to even consider downloading any games onto it.

Once I started exploring my gaming options, it didn't take me long to pick out at least half a dozen of them. Thus far, these are my favorite:

Cut The Rope:

As it was describe to be by Susanna The Short, Cut The Rope has this cute monster named Om Nom that you feed candy.

That's just the basics of the game people. To get the candy to Om Nom you have to cut the rope it hangs from and maneuver it through a variety of obstacles. Additionally, if you wish to maximize your points, collect the gold stars along the way.

Some of the stages are super easy. Others not so much. There are some that took me awhile to figure out as I didn't predict the behavior of the ropes correctly or didn't get the timing right.

I like that it has physics aspect to it coupled with super cute graphics.

(What can I say, I'm a sucker for the adorable monster!)

Angry Birds:

This is one of the first games I loaded onto my phone. I knew about this game prior to my friend's inquiry this past weekend due to the fact that my friend D mentioned it after acquiring an iPad a few months ago. The day he got it I was helping him determine what apps he needed. During the discussion he mentioned that he already loaded Angry Birds. My response ... "Angy what?" Apparently this is yet another pop culture phenomenon that I'm behind the curve on.

Simply put, you launch "angry" birds at pigs stationed in various structures. This is one of those games I can't explain why I enjoy playing - I just do.

Prior to playing the game I found this College Humor Cartoon spoofing Angry Birds...

Personally, I loved this video to begin with, but after actually playing AB for awhile it is even more humorous and funny.

(Farmville addicts might get a laugh out of it as well. :D)

I have yet to venture into the Angry Birds seasons versions of the game, but I am sure that is just a matter of time.

Paper Toss:

We've all tried it at some point! Throwing a piece of crumpled-up paper into a trash can from a distance. At least I know I have. Now you can take the experience on the go!

Seriously, I do love playing this game. The application offers a variety of difficulty levels and locations - office, pub, basement... I also love the background noises and random comments that come from the "background" when you royally miss.

To add to the fun, they have a Paper Toss World Tour that is set in various countries. Just in case you want to mix it up a bit.


Ok, Yahtzee is not a new game, but it sure is fun.

At this point I can't even tell you how long I've been playing Yahtzee in one form or another. This was the game my boyfriend (at the time) and I played as we made our way across England and Ireland back in 1997.

Over the past couple years, my friend Cantor D and I play Yahtzee online from time-to-time. Though not the same as playing against someone else, the app version is still fun and good to have access to when I need a quick Yahtzee fix.

Sheep Launcher:

I downloaded this game because its main character is a sheep. Furthermore, who passes up a chance to see a sheep fly? Even if it's an animated one. I think it's funny and cute all at the same time. Plus it somewhat indulges my interest with sky diving.

Once you launch the sheep into the air, you try to collect as many stars, pillows and a variety of other objects. Also, the higher your sheep goes the more point you get. Or, at least that is my understanding of the game at the moment.

Honestly, what is keeps me most entertained with this game thus far is the funny faces the sheep makes. Apparently sometimes I'm just easily entertained. I'm sure over time I will see if it makes the final cut. (I'm currently playing the free version of this game.) Until then I will enjoy it for what it's worth.

Until later . . .


8 Days; 15 Bullet Points


• Membership has its advantages. Otherwise, we would have been waiting in line for a really long time.

• Wardrobe malfunction . . . It would have been nice if someone had told me about it earlier.


• Almost an hour to drive about four/five blocks. I didn't realize construction downtown was so bad.

• Buying a phone shouldn't be this much fun!


• "Hi-ho, hi-ho back to the quiet room I go!" - Except this time I will break about half a dozen of the rules.

"Shh! No talking on your phone in the quiet room!"

• I may have to stop watching Glee - lately each episode seems to have a song, or two, that strikes a cord with me.


• Summer in the city and Fall/Winter in the suburbs? That doesn't sound like a bad plan.

• I was so thrilled to be finished I jumped out of my seat and started to dance - I totally forgot I was at a coffee shop.


• Why did I take three York Peppermint Patties home with me if I'm not eating chocolate?

• Telephone conversations now coming to you loud and clear in surround sound.


• I don't think the pizza was large enough for just two people.

• ... And now we're heading into the games portion of the program.


• Everyone kept telling me to back-up my computer hard drive, so I did. However, no one told to back-up the information on my thumb drive. Which information do I lose? Yeah, you guessed it! Oh well, thankfully all the really important documents (or at least the ones that are most important right now) have been e-mailed around so I was able to retrieve some sort of copy.

• Four miles isn't a bad start to the season.


• "What happens at knit group, stays at knit group!"

Until later . . .


Five (More) Things About Me

This past weekend Mel wrote a blog post about 5 traits, skills or talents she is happy to have. She challenged me to do the same. Since I'm in the resurrecting of the weekly blogging project, I decided to accept the challenge.

In theory this topic should be easier than the "Thirty-five Things About Me" post because the scope of things to write about is more narrow. However, I can already tell you modesty will challenge me a bit . . .


When I speak of creativity I am not necessarily focusing on creative endeavors such as crafting, photography, etc. Though I am talented in these creative areas the creativity I speak of has to do with my approach to problem solving, the way I view the world and approach situations.

Where I typically see myself being a creative problem solver the most is in my personal life. I first recognized this when I moved into my first place after moving back to the Chicagoland area. It was the first time in my life I wasn't living with someone else which meant if something needed to get done I had to figure out a solution. This usually meant getting creative with my approach.

Over time I've come to realize that this trait is something I also bring to my work life. I just didn't notice it as much until recently.


I've said it before, I feel my purpose in life is to help others. I don't know if kindness is the right word for this trait. Maybe I should say it's compassion. Either way, I just know that helping others is something I am good at, and enjoy.


I'm not a rock star singer, but I can hold my own. During Elementary, Jr. High and High School I was always taking part in some singing group. Show Choir, Concert Choir... you name it I was in it. Once I was in college, I stopped all public singing performances. It wasn't a conscious choice, I just didn't have the opportunity to perform in this capacity.

My last public singing "performance" was at BFF's 26/27th birthday gathering. We went to karaoke bar. I couldn't say no to her request to sing together. These days the only place you'll can find me singing at home or in the car.


I actually laugh when I say I'm a planner because I have one friend who doesn't believe that I am one by any means. Regardless, I am a planner. I'm good at figuring out logistics and putting the pieces of things together. I'm good at putting structure around things.

Just Me

I'm just me. I know this really doesn't say a lot, but I feel it does. I guess what I mean by this is that I don't pretend to be something or someone I'm not. I'm just me.

Until later . . .


The Ultimate App And Some Apologies

Last May I blogged about my first "real" experience using an iPhone. I was out with a friend and I borrowed their phone to find the name of a hotel I wanted to suggest for an event they were planning. In the post, I mentioned after I had played with the phone for awhile I went on and on to my friend about what I would consider "the ultimate app" for an iPhone. I even proclaimed that should such an app come into existence I would, without a doubt, get an iPhone. At the time, my "ultimate app" would have been a Ravelry app.

At the time such an app was in development. However, in Januarly 2011 Casey - of Ravelry fame and awesomeness - announced that there were not enough resources to support such an application and development would cease. Bummer. Alternatively, Casey made recommendations on how knitters/crocheters could best utilize their favorite Ravelry features via their mobile device, i.e. using the Google Reader app to display patterns, etc.

To be honest, since that particular spring morning I hadn't thought much about a Ravelry app. As I've mentioned lately on many occasions the amount of knitting I've been doing over the past months has decreased. Additionally, I didn't have a mobile device that needed it and I really didn't anticipate having one anytime soon. Thus, there was no need. That is, up until recently . . .

This past week I finally caved and got a smartphone. Instead of the release of a Ravelry app, the catalyst for the purchase of my new toy phone was based solely on the fact that I've been missing important e-mails over the past couple of weeks when I've been out and about.

I was hesitant to purchase a smartphone. I had one in 2007/2008. As much as I loved it and appreciate the convenience that came with it, I didn't like my lack of social etiquette that reared its ugly head. It was the same disregard for social etiquette I had grown to resent whenever others would pull out their phones at dinner or while we were in the midst of conversations.

It is for that reason I would like to issue two sets of apologies . . .

The first apologies go out to anyone I have given a difficult time too regarding the above mentioned behavior. I understand, it's difficult not to pull it out each and every time an e-mail or text message arrives. G-d knows even when I had my simple flip phone it was difficult to resist the urge to read incoming text messages each and every time I heard the alert go off. In the few days I've had this device I've already caught myself using it at inappropriate times. Additionally, I would like to say I completely agree its capabilities make life easier - can't tell you how excited I when I discovered the Google Maps app. My directionally challenged life has been changed forever!

The second apologies go out to my friends who do not have smartphones (yet). I apologize in advance for any unnecessary use of this new toy when we are hanging out. I promise to make a sincere effort to not be "that person." There really shouldn't be a problem. The first day I was totally all about playing with it regardless of whom I was with at the time. The next two days I was able to put it away and only take it out when absolutely necessary. This makes me hopeful that this will not be as much as a problem as I anticipate.

With all that in mind, it is time for me to sleep. Another thing about my new phone I love - it has an alarm that works!

Until later . . .


Shedd Aquarium

This weekend a friend and I made a visit to the Shedd Aquarium. Here are a few of the sites we saw . . .

Until later . . .



Saturday morning I took Sunshine for an extended walk.

Typically when I dog sit we go for walks that span no longer then 10 minutes. However, on this particular morning I was feeling rather inspired to get somewhat of a workout in from our excursion.

As we turned the corner to make our way back home Sunshine began to feverishly bark. This meant only one thing - there was some sort of animal up ahead. After surveying the path ahead of us I saw a little, white dog in the distance. Normally, this wouldn't concern me, but this dog was not on a leash. Thankfully, its owner was standing right next to it and sensed the tension between the two dogs. He quickly picked up his precious creature while I kept mine on a shorter-than-normal leash.

Phew! "Crisis" averted!

Just as Sunshine and I were back on track, we would once again stumble upon another "animal" that would cause a distraction. This time it was something distracting me, not Sunshine.

When I first saw the monkey hanging in the tree I had to do a double take. I knew it wasn't a real monkey, but nonetheless it still took me by surprise. As we got closer my mind began to rewind to six months prior . . .

There I was standing at the bookcase smiling at the monkey hanging from it. How could you not smile? I asked my friend if they planned to hang it outside on a tree when they one day had a house of their own. After I made the comment I realized how silly it must have sounded - the first bout of incremental weather and the monkey would be toast. I can't imagine stuffed animals fair very well in snow and rain. I didn't retract my comment. Instead, I listened to the reply I got and then changed the subject.

I stood in front of the tree for just a few minutes recalling this memory. I just couldn't believe my eyes. Of all the things to stumble upon . . My question had been just been a silly thought that had passed through my mind at the time. Never in a million years did I really think it possible that I would actually see it in real life. More importantly, it took me back in time when I had least expected it.

Unlike my friend's stuffed animal, the monkey I stood in front on this particular day was made of plastic or ceramic . . .or whatever material could stand-up to snow and rain. I couldn't really tell. Before I departed I took a picture - or two - with my cell phone not knowing exactly what I wanted to do with it. All I knew was that I felt the need to take one for posterity sake. For the remainder of the walk all I would think about was the monkey.

Yesterday, I got a new phone. I was so involved in the process of getting it that I never thought to transfer any of the pictures or data from the old phone - including the monkey picture. Today I had the bright idea to e-mail this picture to my mobile uploads. As the saying goes, "a dollar short and a day late" . . . or is it "a day late and a dollar short"? Either way it is what it is. My old phone is now an emergency only phone. I'd like to think of this as an emergency, but I don't believe that is what the provider means by "emergency."

I do wish I had the picture of the monkey to add to this post. (You'd smile if you saw it.) Maybe the next time I walk Sunshine I will pass by that house again and take a picture that I can upload instantly, but until then you'll just have to trust me on this one.

There is no nice, neat little way to tie-up this post. Really, it has all been a bunch of vague ramblings about an old memory that is now part of a new one that makes me smile - just like the old one - whenever I think about it.

Until later . . .



• I made a new acquittance recently who originates from France. After talking to her about France and Italy I'm starting to contemplate when I'm going to take my next trip overseas.

• I've gotten a lot of free food lately. First soft serve ice cream and then bite size pasty treats . . . I like this trend!

• I decided to give up chocolate for the next 30 days. So far I'm over 48 hours in. I'm not sure how good I'm doing if I'm already counting the hours . . .

• I met a super influential individual in my field this week. They were exactly as they had been described - a very nice person. For some reason, they've taken it upon them self to help me out with my career as much as they can. I am fortunate.

• Bravery is something that needs to be added to my list of fears to tackle. I can't seem to say the words I want (need) to say when I should to say them. (Or at all for that matter.) As a result, I've let a lot of potentially great things for my life slip through my fingers.

• I saw a guy today wearing a friendship bracelet. I haven't seen anyone wear one of these since I was in Jr. High. Honestly, I think they're rad and need to make come back.

• One of the most important things I learned my senior year in high school is that it takes exactly 3 minutes for microwave popcorn to pop perfectly.

• "Waiting builds character."

• One of sales people at an Apple Store said he "commended me" for not getting a smartphone. I found this amusing considering part of his job is to sell them.

• Outside of the few shows I watch on a regular basis I don't find myself watching as much tv as I use too. This is bizarre.

• I hope my friends are right and my gut feeling is wrong.

• It usually helps to turn the alarm clock on.

• Maybe one of these days I'll try being technologically disconnected from the world for 24 hours just to see how it goes . . .

• Once the pressure was off I was able to articulate better the exact reasons for this pursuit.

Until later . . .


Happy Happy Joy Joy

On the lighter side of life, BFF - alternatively known as Mel - and I decided today to pair up for a bit of a Thursday Blog Project reunion (even though today is just Tuesday).

The topic was inspired by a daily challenge project she found through Facebook. The topic - Five Activities That Make You Happy

1."Shake Your Groove Thing"

I love music. I couldn't imagine going through life without it. It's an important part of my life. With my love of music comes a love of dancing. Throughout my life I've taken all kind of dance classes - tap, ballet, jazz, modern... but that is not the type of dancing I'm talking about right now. I'm talkin' about putting on a song that makes you get out of your seat and "shake your groove thing."

This type of dancing has been a big part of my life since I was a kid. One of my favorite memories growing up was kitchen dancing with my mom. My mom always had the radio on when she was making dinner. From time-to-time a song would come on that we'd both absolutely loved and would get us to start dancing. Honestly, I haven't thought about those times in ages. As an adult I always have my iPod with me. I listen to it everywhere - even while I'm grocery shopping. However, music and dancing is especially important to me when I'm going through a stressful time. It's almost mandatory that when experience stress I allow myself time to listen to some tunes and just dance-off the extra energy.

2. Cheese!!!

Photography is another activity that makes me happy. A few months ago this photographer who works at a studio by my place asked me if I liked photography. I replied, "I love photography. My camera is something I could not live without."

For me, there is nothing like capturing an amazing shot. If it weren't my lack of storage space on my memory cards, I would spend even more time than I already do each time I take my camera out.

3. Sunshine

This past November, I dog sat for a good friend of mine. Their dog's name is Sunshine. Originally, my intention for doing this had to do with the fact that I had several appointments in the city this one particular week and rather than going back and forth each day I asked if I could stay at their place. Logistically it made sense. However, my friend informed me they were going to be out of town that week. Jokingly they told me I could stay over while I was away if I would watch their dog for them. Not so jokingly I said agreed. Now, I find this a good time to point out that I'm not really a dog person. I prefer cats. That said, by the end of that week this Sunshine had a special place in my heart. A month later I dog sat for them again when they went out of town on vacation.

The other day I was talking with my mom about dog sitting Sunshine and my mom asked me why I do it. The answer is simple - doing it makes me happy. I also like that I'm helping my friend, but in this case a majority of it has to do with the fact that I enjoy spending time with Sunshine.

4. Helping Others

Along with dog sitting in December I also watched over the home of one of my good friends while her family was on vacation. It wasn't anything too intense. You routine, run-of-the-mill pop by the house to make sure everything looks normal and that no pipes have busted and flooded the place kind of stuff. A few days before the clan was due to arrive home I popped by for my last visit. Upon my arrival I noticed their driveway and sidewalks coated with a few inches of snow that had fallen a few days prior. Though I told not to I shoveled their driveway and sidewalks for them. I figured it would be a nice surprise as I knew my friend was dreading the snow after visiting a warmer climate.

I enjoy doing stuff like this for those I care about. It feels good to do something that I know will make their life just a tad bit easier to manage.

5. Hitting the Trails

One of my all time favorite things to do during the spring, summer and fall is to spend hours on end walking the trails that are near by. Sometimes I'll just keep on keeping on and not stop, while other times I'll stop periodically and take in the scenery around me. This all might sound a little corny, but it's truly relaxing. This summer I'd like to take my pace up a notch and start running. I did this a little last season, but never truly got my full stride back. Guess time will tell!

You can read what Mel has to say on this topic by going to her blog - Me!!!

Until later . . .


My Life Map

It was about 1 AM on the eve of Thanksgiving. I was restless and couldn't sleep.

So, I tried listening to a little Enya. That didn't help. Then I cruised Netfilx instant movie options. Still no winner. That's when I decided the only way I was getting any sleep this particular evening (morning) was to own what was really bothering me and attempt to do something about it. Even if it was a little something that would be something more than I had done in a long time.

All this led to what I now affectionately refer to as "my life map." What started out as a simple idea to organize a stack of business card I had (another attempt to make myself tired - do something productive) morphed into three potential paths I could take on this journey called life.

I didn't have all the details hammered out by the time I finally called it quits; however, I did have a fairly decent outline. The few details I had figured out were a-fixed to my kitchen walls in the form of 8.5x11 pieces of paper with various information scribbled on 'em, various printouts and each and every business card I had originally set out to organize hanging in an uber orderly fashion. The final result of this exercise was something only I could have come up with.

At first my life map was merely something I laughed at as I recalled the story to a few select friends. (I cherish the responses I got.) However, before I knew it I was taking action and beginning to flesh out the map more and more. During the weeks that followed I found myself spending more time in my kitchen then I think I have ever spent in any kitchen throughout my whole lifetime. I would just sit on the counter top across from my map, listening to my iPod and studying each and every detail I had recently added in an effort to figuring out what it meant in the grand scheme of things.

Though the map hung in my kitchen for sometime, it really didn't take me long to decide how I wanted to proceed. I knew deep down inside what I wanted long before even one piece of paper hit my kitchen wall; I was just afraid to admit it because I knew the obstacles that picking this choice would present me.

This past week I encountered the largest of those obstacles. I had anticipated this obstacle from the very beginning as being the one that would make or break the deal, but a large part of me hoped I was incorrect and that things would turn out differently. Even though I wasn't surprised by any means that I was right I was still disappointed. It halted three/four months worth of activity. It also didn't help that this all occurred at the same time as something else equally sizable occurred.

I took down the pieces of my life map weeks ago. Once it was evident where things were heading it didn't seem necessary to have anymore. However, for the past couple of nights I can't help thinking about that map and a how part of me wishes it was still a fixture in the space it once occupied. Especially since I now have to make more decisions, sooner rather than later, on how I'm going to proceed.

As with my initial decision, I believe I know what my next move is - I just don't want to admit it because I know I'm in for an uphill battle and it's going to be balls to the wall for this round. Thankfully, unlike four months ago, my ability to sleep does not seem to be threatened due to this current turn of events and I do not believe I will be seeking refuge this evening (or any other evening anytime soon) like I did on that particular November morning (evening).

At the very least, I guess whatever happens next I'll always have my map to guide me to my next destination.

Until later . . .

Smartass Socks

At the beginning of 2011 I posted the following to my facebook wall:

Pay it forward 2011: I promise to send something handmade by me to the first 5 people who leave a comment.

In turn, you are encouraged to post this and send something you've made to the first 5 people who comment on your status. The rules are must be handmade by you and it must be delivered somet...ime in 2011. :-)

I got four responses. Amongst those four response was a request for a scarf or socks. Anyone who knits knows that both scarves and socks take quite a bit of time to make. They aren't quick projects. It is for that reason I found this request a bold one and was somewhat taken a back.

When I brought this up at knit group everyone there was taken a back as well. (Phew, it wasn't just me!) It was during this conversation that Murray provided me with the solution to this situation. She found a way that I could still make the requestee a pair of socks without having to devote hours on end to the project. This is the result of that suggestion:

See, what Murray pointed out to me is that the requestee requested a pair of socks. They didn't say what size socks... just that they wanted a pair of socks. Given this is a bit of a smartass what to look at it, I call them the Smartass Socks.

Since these obviously can't be worn I did add a little loop to the pair so the recipient could put it on their key ring or hang it somewhere. Personally speaking, I think they are super cute and I just may have to make a pair for my key ring.

Until later . . .


Circa 2008

Three years ago I knit a pink and white baby blanket in anticipation of BFF's second child. I didn't know if she would be having a boy or a girl, but I wanted to believe it was going to be a girl - despite the fact my gut told me it was going to be a boy. Low-and-behold, it was a boy so I ended up having to regroup quickly. About a month after his arrival, I shipped off a beautiful blue and white blanket for Mi.

This past week, I mentioned that BFF had her third child - a baby girl. I also mentioned that I was not planning to make this little girl a blanket because I wanted to mix things up a bit and also wanted to get the gift to her before she went to college. However, what I failed to mention was my third reason for not making a blanket for this new arrival . . . .

I already had one! Yep, that's the baby blanket I made back in 2008 for BFF's second child. I always believed (hoped) they'd have a little girl some day. I'm so glad I kept it all these years. Normally, I would mention something like this however I know that BFF reads my blog. Mentioning it would have ruined the surprise.

It was fun pulling this blanket out. It brought back a lot of memories. More importantly I'm glad it's with its rightful owner.

Until later . . .
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