


When it comes to blogging, lately I seem to function best using bullet points or short (or sometimes not so short) blurbs. Since my last post I've started three one topic posts that have yet to see the light of day. I hope that I can finish them in the near future. I have a lot on my mind that I want to share.

Despite all that is on my mind that I wish to launch into cyberspace, over the past couple of weeks I haven't felt much like writing super in-depth post about anything due to the fact that I've been focusing on writing, and editing, in-depth essays in real life. Thankfully, that I've completed this exercise. Hopefully never have to do this again. Or at least have to write about myself like I had to for these essays. I found the experience to be interesting, but a bit over answering non-questions. Personally I like answering direct questions. To make my frustration with non-questions more entertaining, I've come up with a list of "non" things. I'm dragging this out so much that it's become some what of a bad joke amongst some of my friends and I. Or should I say it's a "non-joke"? Either way, I'm letting run its course. I'm thankful the people around me don't mind humoring me.

This week, sleeping has trumped blogging. Typically I don't get around to blogging until late in the evenings. My downfall is the fact that I get settled in bed and then I start writing. Soon after I start this process I get tired. I then tell myself I'm just going to close my eyes "for a few minutes."

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about sleeping so much. Actually I'm thrilled I'm getting so much sleep. I feel as though I'm catching up on two years worth of sleep. There is definitely nothing like a good nights sleep. It makes a world of difference and put me in a much better mindset during the day.

Awhile back I mentioned expected the unexpected. This past week the unexpected happened - twice actually. Really, it was so unexpected I almost tweeted that hell had just frozen over and it was a good thing I like to ice skate. (However, I chose to refrain as I'm working on my smartass/sarcastic ways.) Though I do hope for good things and am optimist, I approach a lot of situations from a realistic point of view. I think it's important to have a grounded sense of situations in an effort to manage expectations. I believe that is why the unexpected always surprises me when it actually happens.

Since I believe in the power of threes - things, good or bad, almost always come in threes - I'm now wondering what "hell frozen over" number three will be. (Hopefully there will be a third.) I'm also wondering who the third celebrity/famous person to pass away will be. I don't necessarily want another famous person to die, but again, it seems like that is how it goes.

Tomorrow starts the 2nd Annual Knitting and Crochet Blog Week 2011. I wasn't aware such a thing existed until recently. I've been debating if I'm going to participate. I'd really like to write more about knitting since, in theory, this is a knitting blog. Plus, I feel like a lot of what I've been writing about lately has been so damn serious. Unfortunately, my schedule is massively changing this week so I'm not sure how this project will fit into the new mix. Hopefully, at the very least I will be able to post once or twice during the week. I encourage other knitters and crocheters to check it out and participate!

I've traded my obsession with playing games on facebook for playing games on my phone. This week I added a bunch of word games such as Scrabble, Word Search and Logic Puzzles. I also found free versions of Angry Birds Rio and Seasons. If I end up loving these versions of the game then I'll download the paid copies. Until then, these should suffice for now.

I realize I'm being an uber dork over this phone thing; however, I don't really care. I haven't done something like this for myself in a long time. It was time. Also, I think it's funny. I'm totally laughing at myself - along with everyone else.

That's all for now.

Until later . . .

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