


• I made a new acquittance recently who originates from France. After talking to her about France and Italy I'm starting to contemplate when I'm going to take my next trip overseas.

• I've gotten a lot of free food lately. First soft serve ice cream and then bite size pasty treats . . . I like this trend!

• I decided to give up chocolate for the next 30 days. So far I'm over 48 hours in. I'm not sure how good I'm doing if I'm already counting the hours . . .

• I met a super influential individual in my field this week. They were exactly as they had been described - a very nice person. For some reason, they've taken it upon them self to help me out with my career as much as they can. I am fortunate.

• Bravery is something that needs to be added to my list of fears to tackle. I can't seem to say the words I want (need) to say when I should to say them. (Or at all for that matter.) As a result, I've let a lot of potentially great things for my life slip through my fingers.

• I saw a guy today wearing a friendship bracelet. I haven't seen anyone wear one of these since I was in Jr. High. Honestly, I think they're rad and need to make come back.

• One of the most important things I learned my senior year in high school is that it takes exactly 3 minutes for microwave popcorn to pop perfectly.

• "Waiting builds character."

• One of sales people at an Apple Store said he "commended me" for not getting a smartphone. I found this amusing considering part of his job is to sell them.

• Outside of the few shows I watch on a regular basis I don't find myself watching as much tv as I use too. This is bizarre.

• I hope my friends are right and my gut feeling is wrong.

• It usually helps to turn the alarm clock on.

• Maybe one of these days I'll try being technologically disconnected from the world for 24 hours just to see how it goes . . .

• Once the pressure was off I was able to articulate better the exact reasons for this pursuit.

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

that's great about the influential person. :) i hope that works out for you.

i miss making friendship bracelets. i used to make them for everyone at camp.

technology free for 24 hours is easy. spend a shabbos weekend with someone orthodox and you're all set. :) we end up doing it for 72 hours during high holidays when they run into shabbat.

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