

8 Days; 15 Bullet Points


• Membership has its advantages. Otherwise, we would have been waiting in line for a really long time.

• Wardrobe malfunction . . . It would have been nice if someone had told me about it earlier.


• Almost an hour to drive about four/five blocks. I didn't realize construction downtown was so bad.

• Buying a phone shouldn't be this much fun!


• "Hi-ho, hi-ho back to the quiet room I go!" - Except this time I will break about half a dozen of the rules.

"Shh! No talking on your phone in the quiet room!"

• I may have to stop watching Glee - lately each episode seems to have a song, or two, that strikes a cord with me.


• Summer in the city and Fall/Winter in the suburbs? That doesn't sound like a bad plan.

• I was so thrilled to be finished I jumped out of my seat and started to dance - I totally forgot I was at a coffee shop.


• Why did I take three York Peppermint Patties home with me if I'm not eating chocolate?

• Telephone conversations now coming to you loud and clear in surround sound.


• I don't think the pizza was large enough for just two people.

• ... And now we're heading into the games portion of the program.


• Everyone kept telling me to back-up my computer hard drive, so I did. However, no one told to back-up the information on my thumb drive. Which information do I lose? Yeah, you guessed it! Oh well, thankfully all the really important documents (or at least the ones that are most important right now) have been e-mailed around so I was able to retrieve some sort of copy.

• Four miles isn't a bad start to the season.


• "What happens at knit group, stays at knit group!"

Until later . . .

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