

Five (More) Things About Me

This past weekend Mel wrote a blog post about 5 traits, skills or talents she is happy to have. She challenged me to do the same. Since I'm in the resurrecting of the weekly blogging project, I decided to accept the challenge.

In theory this topic should be easier than the "Thirty-five Things About Me" post because the scope of things to write about is more narrow. However, I can already tell you modesty will challenge me a bit . . .


When I speak of creativity I am not necessarily focusing on creative endeavors such as crafting, photography, etc. Though I am talented in these creative areas the creativity I speak of has to do with my approach to problem solving, the way I view the world and approach situations.

Where I typically see myself being a creative problem solver the most is in my personal life. I first recognized this when I moved into my first place after moving back to the Chicagoland area. It was the first time in my life I wasn't living with someone else which meant if something needed to get done I had to figure out a solution. This usually meant getting creative with my approach.

Over time I've come to realize that this trait is something I also bring to my work life. I just didn't notice it as much until recently.


I've said it before, I feel my purpose in life is to help others. I don't know if kindness is the right word for this trait. Maybe I should say it's compassion. Either way, I just know that helping others is something I am good at, and enjoy.


I'm not a rock star singer, but I can hold my own. During Elementary, Jr. High and High School I was always taking part in some singing group. Show Choir, Concert Choir... you name it I was in it. Once I was in college, I stopped all public singing performances. It wasn't a conscious choice, I just didn't have the opportunity to perform in this capacity.

My last public singing "performance" was at BFF's 26/27th birthday gathering. We went to karaoke bar. I couldn't say no to her request to sing together. These days the only place you'll can find me singing at home or in the car.


I actually laugh when I say I'm a planner because I have one friend who doesn't believe that I am one by any means. Regardless, I am a planner. I'm good at figuring out logistics and putting the pieces of things together. I'm good at putting structure around things.

Just Me

I'm just me. I know this really doesn't say a lot, but I feel it does. I guess what I mean by this is that I don't pretend to be something or someone I'm not. I'm just me.

Until later . . .

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