

A Special Kind Of Embarrassed

The Thursday Blog Project is back!

This is a little something myself and three other friends did back in the first half of 2010. Recently, I felt to resurrect the idea. So I asked some of my girls if they'd be up for joining me. Guess what they said?

Joining me this time around is:

Mel of Merryland Girl awesomeness!

Susanna who share with us how Parenting is a Special Kind of Crazy!

and . . .

Sarh who is the ultimate "Mom-a-Rock!"

Oh, and as y'all know ... I'm froggie (who hardly knits like crazy anymore). :)

To start things off, Sarah asked us to talk about an embarrassing moment.

Me get embarrassed? NEVER!

Well, at least I don't get embarrassed as much as I use too. However, I still do get embarrassed. This mainly has to do with the fact that I'm a very shy person - placed in the body of an extrovert. So, given the right conditions embarrassment is eminent.

It is difficult for me to come up with a specific incident of embarrassment. Over the years I've embarrassed myself so much I have pretty much blocked a lot the things I've done out. I see no reason to replay these points in time over and over and over again.

Most recently, I was embarrassed by the guy at the Apple Store the day I bought my phone. Don't get me wrong, my new buddy Brain definitely made the experience WAY more entertaining than going to a provider store would have been. However, this fun came at a bit of an expense to me.

As I've repeatedly said over the past weeks I was SUPER excited when I went to purchase my phone. Brain picked up on this early on and humored me. He said, it's pretty normal and he finds it entertaining. I appreciated it and honesty, and I appreciated his light-hearted attitude and humor. It was really after my phone was activated that the embarrassment began. My friend, Firefly, was with me as she had business to attend to at the fruit store as well. Firefly started ripping on me because I couldn't stop smiling.... and it wasn't just a smile, it was like a little kid who just saw all the presents under the Christmas tree type of smiling. I believe I was glowing. Instead of just laughing at me, Brian flamed the "kid and Christmas tree" flame. I can't really do justice to the type of things that embarrassed me. You kind of had to be there. By the end, my new friend was trying to draw attention to me giddiness. To me this is the equivalent of having a group of waiters sing Happy Birthday as loud as possible. I'm all about the free dessert, but not having everyone in the restaurant staring at me.

Oh my! That just brought back another embarrassing moment. HA! I guess that means I have another blog post should this topic come up again. :)

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

i can understand how it would be embarrassing to be put in the spotlight that way.

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