

Something Completely Different #gratitude #2KCBWDay5 #2KCBW

Today's Topic: This is an experimental blogging day to try and push your creativity in blogging to the same level that you perhaps push your creativity in the items you create.

There are no rules of a topic to blog about (though some suggestions are given below) but this post should look at a different way to present content on your blog.

Wordless; photographic post; Video blog post, Podcast; Cartoon/sketch of an idea; Write about a subject from a different perspective (for example, you could write about a day in the life of a knitted sock from the point of view of the sock); Interpretive modern dance (why does someone always suggest this?; A poem or piece of rhyming verse; Stop motion animation

The point behind this post is to get people thinking about using their blogs in different ways and pushing he boundaries of what they use their blogging platform for.

This was a tricky topic for me due to the fact that I've done some of these things in the past. Couple that with the fact that I didn't look at the topic until mid-day doing some of the others wouldn't happen for awhile. So, I decided to do something that I use to post on a professional networking site I was part of when I first started out in my field.

It's called "Five Good Things." The idea was every Friday there was a thread were you could post five good things that happened during the course of the week. Even if it was "It's Friday!" five times, the point was to figure out the glass-half full parts of the week. This thread was so popular, there was a race on Fridays to see who could start the thread first.

One day I tried getting onto the site only to find it had been taken down because someone had hacked into it. That was the end of "Five Good Things" Friday - and the board. Over the years I've tried to resurrect this as a regular feature on my blog at the time, but never did it on a consistent basis. Lately, I've been thinking about all the good thing in my life and "Five Good Things" Fridays. With that said, here we go:

1) I have options. It sounds like such a simple thing, but it's a really big one. (I forget this sometimes.)

2) I know how to knit - and knit pretty good for that matter. It wasn't until recently that I realized how far I've come with this skill/talent when I saw someone struggling with learning how to cast-on. Also, this talent/skill has not only allowed me to make beautiful things, it has introduced me to some of my closest friends.

3) It's Spring! No one really realizes what Spring means to me.

4) Once you get past all the mishigas, I have an great family. We all love and car about one another very much.

5) Lately the "unexpected" has been positive.

I hope this encourages you to put together your own list of five good things!

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

i'm glad you're doing this again. i need to blog more. i have ideas but lack time and motivation.

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