

Evening Edition

First I have to start off by saying it's things like this that make me glad I'm a Mac user...

Conficker Virus Alert

As noted in the story, Mac users need not worry about this worm. Funny enough I was talking with someone this week about why I am a dedicated Mac user. They said they priced out a Mac laptop and then looked at a PC. Their final determination was that they'd "save money" with a PC. However, I think if you take into account the money spent for virus programs, time installing said program and time spent fixing your PC should a virus actually make its way into the system you end up spending about as much if not more money on a PC. Just my humble opinion....

After a hectic day at the office I had one thing in mind for this evening - R & R. Up until about a half hour or so ago I didn't do anything move related. This is the first time since Friday. After taking a few shots of my new project bag I sat down to watch Dancing With The Stars and start working on M's second sock. Hopefully I can finish it as quick as I did the first one.

Before I forget, here's a pick of my beautiful project bag:

New Project Bag

Yes, it's all about "my colors."

I've had several people offer to help me pack, but I'm hesitant to take them up on their offers. Mainly because the things I really need to take care are things only I can make decisions on.

My vacationing options have just expanded tonight with a friend trying to convince me to travel out there way. I have to admit, it's kind of nice to have options.

Next week Passover begins. It's relatively early this year, but I'm still in amazement that it's here already. I could swear Passover 2008 was just yesterday... Before it starts I need to make sure to pick up a box or two of Matzah. My mom has offered to pick up a few things of my favorite Passover candies. They are sugar coated fruit slices. As I learned last year, they are sold year round however the ones sold this time of year use "kosher for Passover" sugar which is better than the stuff they use other times of the year. All I know is that it's sugary goodness! She's also picking up a box of chocolate covered Matzah. Honestly, I didn't know they made this, but apparently they do. I don't know how much I'm going to like it. Too me it sounds like the equivalent of chocolate Peeps -- which just turns my stomach into knots all together. It will be interesting if I can once again keep Passover as I did last year. It's only 8 days without bread products -- totally doable!

Well, it's late and time for me to get some sleep. Until later . . .


I'd like to say that my lack of communication on this blog has been solely due to preparing for my move and/or spending mass amounts of time knitting, but that isn't the case. I just haven't been in the "talkative" mood.

GASP! I know! I'm just as surprised as anyone else is, but from time-to-time this odd phenomenon occurs due to misalignment of the sun, moon and stars. Hopefully this phase passes soon!

I FINALLY made a decision last week as to my living situation. Just in the nick of time too -- people were starting to get concerned that I would soon be homeless. Now it's time for some house mousing.

I have to admit the house mousing process isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Currently there are four piles (for lack of a better term) of stuff going on in my place. They all have a specific purpose:

- To Keep

- To Be Thrown Out

- To Be Donated


- Other (Because there always has to be an "other")

I'm starting to question how many sets of dishes I really need. I have a full set I bought before my last move and then the five of the older set. Yes, that's 15 sets of dishes. Granted that really means the number of times I have to do dishes decreases significantly however, I feel like it's a bit much. I'm also finding that it's not as hard as I thought it would be to stumble upon "mementos" of the past. The RRM doesn't seem to be as bad as once anticipated -- at least for now. *Sigh of Relief*

A good friend of mine has agreed to help me with a sewing project for the new place. The long and the short of it is I need custom panels for one area of the new place and rather than shell out lots of cash for pre-made ones and then have to alter them I figured this would be a great chance for me to learn how to sew. Oh, and face my fear of sewing machines.

On the vacation front, I got approval to take the time I would need to go on my intended vacation - should I decide to execute the plans. *Doin' the Happy Dance!* I just have to make sure it doesn't conflict with my coworkers time off which is not a problem at all. I'm also thinking of taking another quick trip to Boston. Bostonian (my Boston friend) and I talked recently and it got me thinking about how much I enjoyed my last trip there. I started to consider what a nice escape it would be in addition to the main trip I'm considering (cost permitting of coarse!). Also, I've reconnected with a bunch of old friends who live on the east coast so it would be a great time to catch up with them. We'll see. First I think I should get through this move then I'll think about the possibility of a vacation.

Then there is knitting. . . Just because I've been busy with other things in life doesn't mean I've forgotten about knitting. . .

M's first sock fit! WooHoo! It took us awhile to meet up, but we finally did. The sock was a little snug, but that's the way it's suppose to be. M liked the pattern and color way as well. In theory I would have take pics to post, but I didn't. What can I say - I was slackin' that day. I can now start the second sock. Oh, and also write the pattern up so I can replicate it in the future if I so wish.

I also got my second shipment for my sock club. The pattern isn't as intimidating which basically equates to no beading involved in the pattern. The color is so beautiful! So now I am officially two and a half pairs of socks behind. With the warmer weather upon us I don't think I'll be knitting as many pairs of socks. Since I rarely wear socks during the summer and thus there is no need to make many pairs of them. Unless I want to get a head start for the fall. . .

I did, however, join the Mini Sock Swap coming up at the end of April. These things are so freaking cute I couldn't resist. I'm just trying to figure out where I get needles to knit miniature size socks. The pattern calls for size 0 DPNs, but mine are very long ones. I suspect it would be difficult to knit a small sock with them. I'm gonna have to do more research on this.

I received an RAK from KlarinetteGal. She was kind enough to send me a small project bag. The size and color were PERFECT! I was so excited I put M's socks in it right away. (As I always say, it's the small things that make the most differences sometimes)

Last, but not at all least, all these swaps and such have me realizing I haven't been keeping up with my 2009 Knitting Expense tracker as I had planned to. Thankfully I know I haven't spent THAT much recently on knitting related things so I fully expect that when I do get a chance to update it I won't have too many entries.

On that note, until later . . .


Family Planning On Sale

As a follow-up to my entry about bargins that can be found in this tough economy, it appears even family planning is on sale at the moment.

(Click the above link to learn more)


Just Dance!

I've decided I need to lighten things up a bit on this blog. My last couple of entries have been WAY too deep - even for my liking.

I know where I'm moving, but haven't contacted the appropriate people to get everything in place (my bad I know). With that in mind, I started packing, I mean really packing, Monday night while I watched Dancing With The Stars.

So, there I was with all the Sunday newspapers I had failed to throw-out and my dishes and glasses by my side while I watched DWTS. To say I love Dancing With The Stars is an understatement. This probably has something to do with my love of dancing, but then couple that with celebrities and professional dancer - what a great show! At first I thought this season's cast was going to be a bore however that is not turning out to be the case.

Like with any cast it didn't take me long to decide who my favorites were and who I wouldn't mind see being sent home.


Steve Wozniak:

Yes, he's not a good dancer, but you got to give this man credit for trying. Though he may not be stellar on the dance floor you can tell he is giving 120% and having fun doing it. Do I think he'll make it all the way? Ummm... I'm not too sure, but I would love to see him have some sort of breakthrough and become one of the top contenders.

For some reason the judges don't want to give Woz a break and I'm not sure why. Who knows!? Obviously I'm a fan of his and so are those that visit the web site Vote Steve Wozniak. I wasn't surprised he survived last night's elimination. All the techy geeks, especially Mac geeks - such as myself - are rallying around this Apple co-founder.

Shawn Johnson

Not that I actually knew who she was prior to this show, but she definitely made a huge impression on my from week one. Shawn Johnson has definitely got my vote!

Gilles Marini

This man is HOT! HOT! HOT! And I'm not talking about his "performance" in the movie "Sex and the City." I'm talking about his moves on the dance floor. He's one of my picks for the semi-finals.

Melissa Rycroft

Melissa Rycroft is my top pick to win this season. Some may think that she has an unfair advantage since she has formal ballet training, but I don't see it. It's a different type of dance and doesn't guarantee anything.

Steve O

Ok, I have to admit it, I feel really dirty for liking this guy. However, the other night when he was dancing I could see the sincerity he has for the competition. I would be thrilled to see him have a breakthrough and give the judges no reason to give him low scores.

Lawrence Taylor

This man has got it going on! At first I thought he was hopeless and would never find his groove, but that doesn't appear to be the case. I wouldn't be surprised if he landed in the semi-finales.

Stars I Wouldn't Mind Saying Good-Bye Too:

Holly Madison

I'm going to make a confession - I was a fan of the reality show "The Girls Next Door" so it's not like I'm hating on Holly because she was one of Hugh Hefner's former girlfriends or has anything to do with that organization. Simply put she is lacking the personality for the dances. I hate being cruel, but I think she could get the dances down technically all she wants, but she's not bringing the personality to the dances. Of the three former girlfriends I honestly think Bridgette should have been the one to join this competition.

Lil' Kim

Again, I don't want to be a hater, but Lil' Kim is just not wowing me. I find myself wanting to change the channel when she dances. I can't put my finger on exactly why, but there is something there.

Denise Richards

I have to say, I wasn't a huge fan of Denise Richards' dancing, but she did a much better job the Holly Madison in this week's "dance-off." I would have rather see her stay then Holly.

That said, up until the dance off there was something stiff and awkward about Denise Richards' performance and I can see why the judges gave her such low scores.

Indifference is just that. . . Indifference:

Ty Murray

I'm starting to warm-up to Ty Murray, but not someone whose performance I MUST see.

Chuck Wicks

Like Ty Murray, I'm starting to warm-up to Chuck Wick. However, I'm just sitting on the edge when it comes to him. He isn't a must see in my book right now.

Belinda Carlisle

I was disappointed with Belinda Carlisle. I figured with her performance background she would have been able to dance better than she did.

David Allen Grier

He's another I'm starting to warm up too, but I don't see him going all the way - or even to the semi-finales.


Blogging Housekeeping

After my last post, I decided I wanted to do a little blog housekeeping. Simply put, I wanted to transfer my post about Joe Wishnoff to this blog. Back then I was not writing anything personal on this blog so it didn't seem right to post this entry here. However, this is now an equal opportunity blog. . . Below is what I wrote on July 19, 2008 about Joe:

My friend Joe Wishnoff, 29, passed away on Monday, July 14th from a 3 year battle with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF). IPF is a rare lung disease that is causes the lung tissue to prematurely scar and age, making it extremely difficult to breathe. IPF is typically found in older adults - Joe was an unexplained exception. There is no cure or medication that helps and over time people with IPF become dependent an oxygen tank 24/7.

Since I hadn't talked to Joe in a really long time what I would learn at his funeral is that Joe was close to getting a double lung transplant. Something he had anticipated for sometime. However his chance for the next chapter in his life to begin didn't take place soon enough.

I know this is all sad, but Joe would not want you to be sad for him. See, Joe was about enjoying life to its fullest - even before he was diagnosed with IPF. After being diagnosed with IPF he continued to get the most out of life and didn't complain about the hand he had been dealt or feel sorry for himself. Despite his horrible circumstances, Joe would always be cracking jokes and making others feel good.

When I first met him I would have never known that he had this serious condition if it hadn't been for the person who introduced us telling me about it. I vividly recall telling that person that I had no clue it was him until we were formally introduced.

The last time I saw Joe was on my birthday back in 2007. We had bumped into each other on our way to the same place. It was during that encounter that I could honestly say was the first and only time I saw any sign of weakness or sadness about his situation. And, even then it wasn't something that would be obvious to anyone around us. The only reason I knew was from a simple comment he made to me as we traveled to our destination.

I think his aunt put it best at the memorial service when she said something to the effect of "Joe wasn't the lucky one to have all of us in his life; we were the lucky ones to have him in our life." How true that statement is! To me Joe was an example and inspiration of how one should live their life.

I aspire to be like Joe. He taught me to be thankful for everyday I have and to make the most of it. Also, he has showed me that feeling sorry for ones self doesn't get them far. It's taking life by the hand and making the most out of it that is the main objective. That our time here is priceless and no one really knows how much of it they have so why not make it the best possible. I never had the chance to tell Joe any of my thoughts (I haven't even told my closest family and friends until recently for that matter. I don't even think the person who introduced us knows any of this either). I hope Joe knew somehow the impact his life had on mine and that I will carry his spirit with me for the remainder of the days of my life.

There is a special place in my heart for Joe and in the hearts of all the lives he touched . . . R.I.P., Joe.

Original Post

The Result of Thinking Deeply

BFF wrote me an e-mail Friday after reading my latest and greatest blog entry to let me know that she really liked when I wrote thought proving entries vs. ones about my projects, yarn and stitch because they can't relate to any of that. Ok, fair enough as BFF is not a knitter nor a crocheter. BFF then went on to thank me for giving them another chance at our friendship. This is where the e-mail took a turn I wasn't expecting. (Now BFF was getting deep) I guess I just didn't expect BFF to bring it up. I was under the impression we had cleared the air about all that had taken place a long time ago.

Apparently, BFF's message stemmed from my comments in that particular post on forgiveness. Several years back BFF and I had a BIG falling out. No one who knew us had anticipated what happened between us. All our common friends likened the fallout to a one main disagreement, but in reality I believe it was something that had been building between us for sometime. Regardless of the cause we didn't speak for a good year or two. During that time, some huge events in our lives take place. BFF became a parent and I became engaged and was preparing to get married. I have to admit it was strange not to be part of BFF's first time parent experience (I had always anticipated being Auntie Froggie to her kids) and furthermore not having BFF as part of our wedding was unbelievable. I can't remember exactly when BFF and I started "talking" again however we eventually did. This talking mainly consisted of e-mailing. At the time, the e-mail relationship seemed to work well for us. At that point I don't know that I had totally forgiven BFF for what happened, but I knew I wanted to forgive and move forward. Last year, when my world completely unraveled in a blink of an eye BFF was there for me without question. I don't think I had actually said the words "I forgive you" at that point, but I know BFF knew I did and I knew BFF had forgiven me. Since then we've touch upon past events, but never had a full out conversation about it. We figure it's best to keep the past in the past. However, from time-to-time someone will spark a "thank you" message or something of that sort -- my blog entry being the spark for this particular "thank you."

It wasn't until BFF's recent e-mail that I thought of the "closure letter" that I received after our fall out. In it BFF commented that maybe one day we'd be brought back together again and renew our friendship. At the time I thought there was a better chance of winning the war in Iraq than us ever being good friends again - I guess I was wrong (and I'm glad I was).

All this rambling brings me to two points:

First, forgiveness is a good thing - on so many levels and regardless of who is doing the forgiving. Secondly, don't assume you know what you will feel down the line about something - you just might shock yourself.


So, when I walk I do A LOT of thinking. It's only natural. Unless I'm with someone my mind is bound to wonder. Saturday, as I took my first real walk of the season at one point I started to think about Joe Wishnoff.

Simply put, Joe was someone I knew for a brief time prior to his death in 2008 and found to be very inspirational. Why I was thinking about him has to do with what I wrote on my old blog after his death. In short, I wrote that I aspired to be like Joe and that he taught me that you need to live every day to the fullest. (That's the super Cliff Notes version). It all sounds well and good, but in the midst of life events I forgot about all this aspiration of mine. I guess the important part is that I've remembered and that I can now continue to strive towards that goal.


There is a poem that talks about how people come in your life for either a Season, Reason or A Lifetime. There is a line that in the poem that really stands out to me. It's about people that come into your life for a Lifetime. . . . " LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons; those things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person/people (anyway); and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas in your life."

I always thought that the "Lifetime" relationship had to be someone you actually have a relationship with your whole life. Upon further reflection I think that this can also be someone who was in your life, but is no longer.

It's someone you will always love and/or learned from regardless of why they left your life.

Until later . . .


Steals, Deals and Just Plain Misses

Even those living under a rock realize that we're in the midst of an economic crisis at the moment - and if they don't that has to be some really deep rock.

After taking care of some moving things this morning I headed over to a local shopping mall to take in the nice weather and see if I could score some good deals. Simply put, I love when I can find a bargain on things I need, and want. We all do! I'm actually known for finding good deals. All my thrifty finds can be put into one of two categories:

* Steals: These people should be paying me to take it off their hands - wait, I think they are!

* Deals: Discounts are respectable, but not something I will be bragging about.

The category I will not be buying out of is the "Just Plain Misses" one.

* Just Plain Misses: Umm, yeah. . . You call that a discount!?

Today's finds were mostly in the "Steals" category with the exception of one thing. However, it was for the new place so getting a deal was fine by me. Actually, buying something for the new place reminded me of all the things I still need to get to replace some of the items I left behind during the last move. For instance, I've decided no person should live with just five place settings of flatware. Don't get me wrong, it's doable, but ten place settings is more convenient. I actually need to find out if C&B sells their current flatware sets open stock. Of the five flatware sets I have, one of them is missing a salad fork. Though this hasn't been a major problem yet, I would still like to make everything whole. Also, it appears some of my drinkings glasses have gone M.I.A. on me. Hmmm. . . maybe they are hanging out with the missing salad fork. I've also decided to get a coffee maker. Not only for my newly acquired taste for coffee, but it will be nice to have around for entertaining. Those are just a few of the things on my list. Since Linen 'N' Things is out of business I guess I'll just have to break out the B3 coupons I've been stashing away for sometime (I told you I'm a bargain hunter) and head on over there for some of my house ware items. I'll probably also be making a few runs to Home Goods and Targets. Ah yes, the never ending post-move errands to Home Depot, Target, and B3. Let the fun begin!

After a long day of running around, I finally got home and decided to take a walk. Now that the weather is nice I'm all about busting out my walkin' shoes and getting back into the groove of things. I've also gotten back to walking during the day at work. It feels so good to be back to walking. Once I get settled in the new place I have to reclaim my bike. A friend of mine has been kind enough to store it in their garage. Though this was suppose to be a temporary situation, it has been almost a year. I think it's time to move it out before I start getting charged rent. Also, after getting it tuned up I would actually like to use it. The other thing I'd like to do again is get back into running. I use to be an avid runner years ago, but fell out after one of my many moves. Last, but not least, the nice weather also made me realize that I can take my second jump now. OMG! I have to do it soon too. My pre-paid jump expires in June. Stay tuned for more information on that!

There is a lot more to share, I'm sure, but I believe this is where I'm going to end for this entry.

Until later. . .


Spring Has Sprung

Well, at least officially it has! Today is the official first day of spring - WOOHOO!

My hope is that this means no more snow storms. Or at least you would think that is the case. However, I do recall back April of 2007 there was one last bad snow storm before Spring officially sprung. I know because I, along with a coworker of mine, got to make a trip back from Milwaukee while the snow was coming down. Since that experience I am hesitant to believe we have left the winter behind completely until about mid-April. At that point I think it is safe to assume the next time we see snow again it will be winter. Then again, with global warming who really knows.

With spring here I'm starting to anticipate getting to wear all the cute sun dresses I have. (Yes this is the "girly" side of me coming out.) As much as I love wearing sun dresses I unfortunately can't wear them to work - at least not as is. Aside from the fact that they are either strapless or have thin straps, most of this garments are somewhat low cut which is definitely not work appropriate. With that in mind I've decided I am going to have to put sock knitting aside for a bit and knit my first sweater - or at least a crop sweater, shrug like creation to go over said cute dresses to make it work appropriate. Once I have tweaked the prototype sock, made proper adjustments, completed a full pair AND written all this up I will then begin my journey into the world of sweater knitting which I am sure to chronicle on this blog.

I'm also looking into sewing lesson. This has mainly been driven by my need of project bags. Project bags make knitting more manageable, but I refuse to pay $20+ for a small bag that with a few lessons I could make myself. Also, I need to get over my fear of sewing machines. I have not touched one since I was in 6th grade. I had an unfortunate accident with one in my Home Economics class and haven't touched one since. I believe the time has come to tackle this unnecessary fear of mine.

Because I have to write about this before I forget. . . I heard a great new song last night. It's not released yet though. It's by a new artist called Trixie Fender. The title of the song "I'm Loving Me." I will definitely be keeping an eye for the release date on this song. You should too!

No real news on the moving and packing front. I suspect this will consume a lot of my time this weekend as time is ticking away.

Last September/early October I wrote about Yom Kippur, the concept of asking someone for forgiveness and if forgiveness is something you should really give to someone. Though I haven't been thinking about this as much since then I still need too. I know I have decided that forgiveness is something you give to someone - not something you should ask of someone. I've also decided that the most important person you could give forgiveness too is yourself for the mistakes you've made. However, I haven't given 100% forgiveness to the two people I really need too. Once I do finally forgive I don't know that I'll get to tell one of them that I have. I guess time will tell. All that said, I know I'm on the right path because my answer to the one question most asked of me last year has changed. This question, has to do with the two people I am working on forgiving. Changing my answer is something I never thought would happen. I'm hopeful that one day I'll be able to share all of this in my blog because the journey has been an interesting one and one that I think others can learn from. In the meantime, this is all I can give.

I know! This is all really deep for this early in the morning, but that's what has been on my mind. Honestly, I can get A LOT more deep, but I won't; at least not right now.

Because I'd rather leave this post on fun note. . ..

This is actually kind of cool and funny, but I have to say these people have WAY too much time on their hands.

Until later . . .


Calling All Those That Knit/Croceht and Also Yelp ... Or, Is It Those That Yelp and Also Knit/Crochet!?

Either way. . . I started a group on Ravelry called "Yelping Is My Other Addiction." This is my shameless plug for the group.

So, if you're on Ravelry and you Yelp (Or, you Yelp and you're on Ravelry) checkout the group. If you're on one of the sites, but not the other - You should join the site you're not on. After a few days you'll totally understand the group name.


Getting Caught Up

My mind is all over the place these days . . . . and I recognize the fact that I haven't been updating this blog. This is mainly the result of all that is going on in my world. Having to make a decision on my moving stuff and packing at the same time . . . Ok, I admit not as much packing as I should be doing. Oh, and live my day-to-day life as well.

I've also been doing a lot of knitting as well - this is when I get a lot of my best "thinking" done. Since that is the case, I'll start with that...

I set a person record for sock knitting. I finished my mom's second pair of socks in one week. Yes! One week. I truly cracked through them AND the look great.

Mom's Second Pair of Socks

Instead of waiting until I see her next to give them to her, I'm thinking about sending them to her work as a surprised. Who doesn't love to get packages in the mail - let alone a package at work. I'm sure it would brighten her day even more than usual.

Immediately after I finished mom's socks I started the next pair. They are going to be a belated birthday present for my friend M.

M's Sock

This time around I'm creating my own pattern. After four pairs of socks I've got the basic down and can practically knit them in my sleep. I told M that I was experimenting with the pattern and that I couldn't guarantee that they would turn out fantabulous. M was cool with that. So far I'm pleased with how they are turning out. However, they aren't coming out exactly as well as I had hoped - can you say "prototype?" It's all good.

Speaking of socks, I missed out on $5 - $10 Dream in Color yarn outlet sale. Though I don't need more yarn at the moment I do feel like I missed out on some great deals and really wish I had made it to the sale.

I find myself laughing at myself a lot these days when it comes to my obsession with sock knitting. I'm sure I've mentioned before how horrible I am at keeping track of socks I buy. It's one of the two things I will not, in most cases, spend a lot of money on because I lose them in the blink of an eye. It got so bad at one point that I started the "Lonely Socks Heart Club" for socks that were missing their mate. It seemed more creative than calling it the pile of mateless socks. The goal was to keep these mateless socks in one place so if I happened upon the matching sock I would have one central place to look to find the matching sock. It actually worked too.

Signs of spring and summer have been all around this week. And, in the world of knitting there is no exception. Information on annual events like Stitch 'N' Pitch, World Wide Knit In Public Day and Sock Wars has made its way online. I'm seriously considering participating in Sock Wars this go around.

That is all the "shop" talk I have for now... I will end this entry with this story from today:

Luck of the Non-Irish

So I was driving and I took a $10 bill out of my wristlet as I was going to use it for something (but I can't remember what). Since I didn't end up using it I just set it on my lap. When I got out of my car I forgot that I had the $10 bill on my lap and just got up without taking it off my lap.

(I think this is a good place to mention that it was really windy out at the time)

I went inside and went to get the $10, again, realized what I had done and went back out to my car. I figured it was sitting on the seat or the floor by the gas and break pedals. When I got to my car and saw it wasn't there I was a tad upset - some may say it was only $10, but $10 is $10. However, I wasn't about to cry over "spilled milk" either so I decided to lock my door and go inside. As I locked the drivers side door I happened to glance down at the front drivers side tire. Guess what I saw. . .

Luck of the Non-Irish - March 17, 2009

Luck of the Non-Irish!

St. Patrick's Day


Caution Will Robinson, You're About To Enter The RRM Zone

Well, here I am. A week and a half (or so) after I got the news about moving. I have some options of where I might go, but nothing has been solidified. In the meantime I've started to pack - sort of.

Pictures and other hanging items have been taken off the walls and I've started to rummage through miscellaneous drawers. I've also started to organize my yarn stash (yes, the important things). The last time I moved I actually boxed up my yarn as I wasn't keeping it in my storage ottoman like I do now. Also, I'm guessing I didn't have as much yarn as I do now - but that's just a guess. (Ah, yes! The inside workings of a knitter's mind.)

With all this organization and moving on my agenda I have to admit I'm hesitant to go "house mousing" as I have been planning to do because I know it's a first class ticket to the "Relationship Rear-view Mirror (RRM) zone. Honestly, I was starting down that path the other day. It started when I took my cupcake holder out of what has been its home for the past 8 months. I laughed to myself because I remembered how dead-set I was on taking it with me. Seriously - I got upset because of a cupcake holder. Looking back it was a really silly thing to be upset about. I guess it's good that I can get a laugh from it because there are other parts of the past I don't laugh about. Thankfully, I don't cry about them either. Recently, when I think about the past year or so, I also think about all the people I've met and things I've done . . . I wonder if I would have met them, or done them, had my life not changed course. I'm guessing not. I don't even think I'd be writing this blog or be as much into knitting as I am had things turned out differently. I don't like to play "what if" games because they are just that - "what if."

In thinking back and knowing where I am now, I have seen a shift in my mindset. Especially when it came to the one question my friends and family kept asking me about this time last year. Back then I wouldn't exactly give them a straight answer to the question because I knew there was always a possibility my mindset would shift so I'd just say, "If the stars, the moon and the sun all align perfectly and I'm faced with the opportunity I will see where my mind is then, but now I cannot answer that question." I was particularly hesitant to answer the question at the time because my immediate reaction was to say, "Of course not - never. How could you even ask me that?" Yes, the "N" word I try, with much effort, to avoid - never. Even back then I knew that I couldn't say with 100% confidence that I would never consider what people were asking me about.

I know I've been very vague on all this, but as time goes on and I feel comfortable I will relieve more. Until that time comes. . . where does all this leave me? Well, it leaves me with a lot of "house mousing" to do and the anticipation of a lot of reflection. Nothing wrong with that.

... And it always comes back to yarn

I got more yarn yesterday. It was actually a swap package that I've been anticipating for sometime. I feel bad however, because the sender had to send a second package as the original package got lost somewhere between England and my small little community.

What did I receive? The most wonderful Smooshy Dream in Color sock yarn - in the shade of purple of course (it was a purple yarn swap).

The first of Mom's second pair of socks are almost done. Sock knitting is getting super easy and I can practically do it in my sleep at this point. I'm hoping to take, and post, pictures soon of the first completed sock.

Well, that's all for now. I'm sure there is more I can post about, but right now I'm not super chatty.

Until later . . .


May The Purim Force Be With You

The Purim service/celebration I attended this evening had a Star Wars theme to it. Different from any Purim I have ever attended. Don't get me wrong it was still nice, just different. At the service the adults that dressed up got a bottle of wine (see above pic) and the kids that dressed up got chocolate bars . . . Hmmm. . . Wine or Chocolate? Chocolate or Wine? Sometimes life just isn't fair!

After I got home from temple I sat down withe objective to upload all the photos I hadn't over the past several days. This included pictures of the infamous Britney Socks in all their completed glory.

Finished Britney Socks

Wearing the Britney Socks

Since I apparently can't go more than 24 hours without an active project, I started my mom's second pair of socks.

Socks for Mom - The Sequel

I like the color, but not like I like the colorway for her first pair of socks.

There is so much more I want to write about, but I'm tired and it's time to sleep. Until later . . .


No Doldrums Here

My spoiler's package for the Winter Doldrum's swap came yesterday - and man was it worth the wait. There are no Winter Doldrum's here.

And what was in the package you ask?

Swap Goodies

Oh, where should I begin. . .

First off, I'd like to say the letter CinLove wrote was very nice and thoughtful. In it she told me all about the things she had gathered for me and that this particular swap was a lot of fun for her. I was glad that she enjoyed it so much. After reading the letter I started to explore the enclosed goodies.

The first thing I saw was the frog material. It was so cute and my first thought was that it would be perfect to make a project bag for all the socks I make. Funny enough, CinLove had the same idea, but she thought since I had gotten a project bag as an RAK gift I didn't need one. No worries! This will be the perfect chance for me to learn to sew again. (I had a sewing machine accident as a kid and that has kept me away from sewing machines since - if I feel like it I will share that story another time.) I've been thinking about getting one for sometime now.

I picked up the frog material to reveal a plastic bag with purple Cherry Tree Hill yarn and a frog toy. Purple yarn and a wind-up frog toy - that's when I knew I really hit the jackpot. I love the frog toy so much I took some video of it hopping around - yes, I do realize I'm a dork!

With my need to play with the frog toy out of the way (at least momentarily), I dug farther into the box to find yummy Green Tea and beautiful purple note cards.

But that is not where it stopped ...

In keeping with the Purim theme the group had choosen, CinLove included a Queen Ester drawing and Hamentashens. (I'm getting hungry just thinking about them!) Peach and chocolate where in the center of these tasty treats.

To round out the package, I also got the Gothic Leaf Stole pattern. OMG! I have been eying this pattern for some time as I want to make it to use as an overlay for my Grandmother's cedar chest (a family heirloom).

As I looked at all the fun goodies I had just gotten I wondered what I had done to deserve all this great stuff. I mean seriously. I had never been spoiled like this before by a swap partner.

Oh! One more thing I almost forgot to mention. The box it was all packed in. . .

Free Agent Box

To most this is just a plain-jane external hard drive box. For me it was the source of my first Winter Doldrums swap and a few laughs as well. Why that is you might ask. Well, amongst my interests, I'm a wantbe techy geek. I'm really into computers and technology so I found it fitting that it was all pack-up in a box that formerly held something technology related. It was the perfect box for something going to me.

I will end this post, as I began it - there are no doldrums to be found here.

Until later . . .


No Rhyme Or Reason

There is no rhyme or reason to my entry . . . just a lot of rambling this time around. I guess you can say it's sort of how my week has been.

news of the impending move threw me for a loop and caused me to lose focus of anything else going on. There are a lot of decisions to be made - and made quickly!

Tuesday found me with a car matters to attend too which is was a bunch of fun.

Actually, I have to pat myself on the back because over the past several months I've become more car savvy in terms of learning how to take care of things on my own vs. running to a shop to get it taken care of - or a boy for that matter. Granted, Tuesday wasn't one of those times I could just fix it myself so I did have to take it to a service department. Thankfully there was a nice service guy who showed me a temporary fix to the problem. Yes, I said temporary fix, but getting it fixed permanent isn't critical and this is not something that will be touched often so I'm ok with putting this repair off for awhile.

After I dealt with the car issue, I spent sometime raiding the Dollar Store for some items I needed for a costume I'm putting together for Purim. Of course in the process of hunting for these things I found a few household items I needed as well. I have to say, the Dollar Store rocks.

Wednesday's excitement focused around my coworker's farm and completing the first of the two Britney socks.

Yes, you heard me right, one of my coworkers has a farm. I was heating up some soup when I over heard them mention it. They also mentioned that they wanted to get some sheep. SHEEP!? I have to admit my interest increased greatly at that point. I asked them if they would sell roving if they got sheep and explained my love of knitting and wool. We'd later have another conversation about yarn, wool, spinning and knitting.

Then came the completion of the first Britney sock. These socks have been a challenge for me and to finally complete the first felt like a major accomplishment. I was so giddy I slipped it on my foot immediately after the toe was grafted. Oh my, it was super comfy! Now I know why everyone loves Lorna's Laces yarn so much.

I promptly wound the yarn for the second one and started knitting away. Some of my knitting peeps started to take bets on how many times I would have to frog this one. (I am happy to report that no frogging will be taking place on the second Britney sock and that after a day and a half I am almost done - the fastest I've ever knit one sock.)

Yesterday, the sun came out and the temperatures rose greatly (58/60 degrees to be exact). The light at the end of the winter tunnel is starting to shine. Though I do anticipate at least one more snow fall, it's nice to know Spring is close. Winter is definitely not for me. However, I'm happy to say I didn't complain much at all this winter about the cold temps and crappy snowfall. Even despite some of those around me who had no problem doing so. It was nice to know I could make the best of the bad weather and just get through it.

Another thing that brightened up my Thursday was when one of my knitting peeps sent me an e-mail that they had come across a glass frog candle holder that they thought I might want. Wow! That's really thoughtful! I thanked them profusely and we agreed on when they'd give it to me.

Now we are up to today. . . Friday. I have a really busy weekend ahead of me. Sadly this doesn't include packing. I'm going to have to get going on that no matter where I move too. Good thing I've been starting to "house mouse." It's that much less I have to go through I guess - though there is still plenty.

My Winter Doldrum's swap package has gone out and I'm hoping it gets to the spoliee by Monday, but I don't know if that is going to happen. The mail still doesn't seem to be my friend. It's all good I guess. As I found with BFF's package, if it's meant to get there it will get there.

Hopefully sometime this weekend I'll have pictures to share of my finished Britney socks (I intend for them to be done before tomorrow morning's yoga class). Also, I need to post my Project 365 pictures I've been taking all week as well.

Until later. . .


This is cute!

This is really cute!

Why I Love New York

I can see how this would bring a smile to her face. It would for me! Hope it does for you . . .

A New Adventure?


I came home tonight to some interesting news. I have to move, again - soon. Details are just that, details. Those that I know in real life can e-mail me for those details. For everyone else... well, you'll just have see if I disclose any of those details as time goes passes.

I have to admit at first I wasn't thrilled about this. However, now, I'm starting to feel better about it and looking at it as a new adventure. I think when I choose this place I did so because it was safe and that's what I needed at the time - something safe.

Now it's time for a new adventure . . . I've been feeling restless for awhile now. Of course, regardless of where I end up it will have to be somewhere close to a yarn shop AND have some sort of knitting group. :P (Yes, it always comes back to knitting)

Stay tuned for more developments . . .

The Calm of Yoga

I guess I have to declare the weekend a success as I actually got a lot accomplished given that I was running around all over the place.

Saturday started with the crack of dawn (at least the crack of dawn for a Saturday) yoga class that I've been wanting to attend since I moved. Since it was first thing in the morning, I decided to do a pre-class warm-up on the elliptical machine. If I wasn't awake already that definitely woke me up. I have to admit I was skeptical that the class would actually take place because I wasn't sure many people would attend. Apparently I was wrong. The group size was actually decent. The class itself was good and definitely reminded me how long it had been since I attended a yoga class. It isn't as easy as it looks. Thankfully I didn't push myself like I have a tendency to do sometime. Also, I really liked the instructors. I say instructors because the regular instructor had to leave early so her husband took over for the second half of the class.

With yoga behind me I was off with my day - which was a packed one at that. Before I knew it 10:30 AM turned into 4 PM and I had gotten all that I set out to accomplished done - and then some. This included some "house mousing." During this time my body had decided it was upset with me for my early morning workout and made sure I was aware of that fact.

My Sunday started early as well. Though this time there wasn't a workout involved. Even though I wasn't running around as much this day, I did get a lot done - including completing the Karaoke Cable Scarf and tackling the Britney Socks.

I'm so happy with the way the KCS turned out, and still pleasantly surprised that I like the color so much. Once again, never judge a book by its cover. It will look perfect with this jumper dress I got awhile back. I was hoping to have enough yarn to make a matching headband as well, but no such luck. No biggie. I'll just have to see what other yarn I have in my stash that comes close to matching.

Then there is the Britney Socks. . .

When we last left this unfolding sock drama I had just gotten to a point where I was turning the heel, but didn't have enough stitches to complete this portion of the pattern - thus the reason for setting it down. My frustration level with this project had hit its peak and I needed to step away before I threw it across the room (I've heard of other knitters doing this - getting so frustrated with a project that they throw said project across the room - but I've never actually done it myself and I don't ever want there to be a first time.) Each time I saw this sock just sitting there it taunted me. Finally, I took the challenge head-on.

By now I know enough about knitting socks that this shouldn't be a big deal. Come on now! A sock, is a sock, is a sock. . . right!? After looking at the sock and assessing the situation I decided the solution to my problem was as easy as pulling out my crochet hook and adding ten additional stitches. Oh, and adding a round of stockinette. So, that's what I did. The result - SUCCESS! I moved on to the next set of ribbing and am now getting ready to decrease the toe. Yes, believe it or not (I don't) I will soon have finished one of these fantabulous socks. Woo-freakin-hoo! Now I just need to keep the momentum going for the second sock. If I can, I'd really like to finish them for yoga this coming Saturday morning. I believe they'd be super comfy to wear.

Until later folks . . .
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