

And The Beat Goes On. . . And On . . . And On . . .And On

It's Tuesday - really, it is. That means it's time to officially take count of the progress on the Sock Yarn Blankie.

The Official Sock Yarn Blankie Square Count for August 4, 2009:

Squares Needed: 736

Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 53 (9 more square than last week.)

Squares Ready to be Added: 3

Remaining Squares Needed: LOTS! In real numbers 680

I've been so into this project that I have been flirting with the idea of taking the necessary yardage from yarn hanks that I probably won't even use for actual projects for sometime and knitting up their squares. I know I will eventually incorporate the yarn into the blanket, but being the impatient person I am I want it NOW! Every time I go into my stash it's a big tease. I know they have a purpose beyond the blankie project, but I can't help myself from thinking that the few yards I need for one square shouldn't make THAT much of a difference. Then I snap back to reality and realize that it "could" make a big different and the safe thing to do is wait.

I owe a lot the progress of this blankie to a few of my friends who have graciously provided me with scrap sock yarn and my recent experimentation with dying. However, I came to the realization recently that I need to start shamelessly asking kind strangers for sock yarn scraps as well. Oh, and also start participating in swaps. It only took me what, two/three months to get to this point!? So, I took the plunge and joined a swap. It helps that that the hostess of this swap live right around the corner from me. This means I cut out shipping costs - Hey! I'm not cheap; just thrifty. I also asked for scrap sock yarn on this month's RAK. We'll see what happens!

It's that time of year... Yep! Dish Rag Tag time that is. To get the skinny on DRT click on the URL I have placed above. To sign up, click here, or the link on YarnMiracle's blog. It's a lot of fun! I have to say, I'm glad I have no carpal tunnel concerns this year. Last year was interesting going into the race with a strained wrist, but not letting that stop me from participating in DRT - and continuing to knit. As my carpal tunnel concerns progressed House Mouse threatened to take away my knitting supplies so I could rest my wrist. "What if I where to take your knitting stuff and hide it from you for three weeks?" I could not believe HM even asked that. My reply: 1) That would never happen because I would never let you leave my place with any of my knitting things; and 2) If you did somehow get out of my place with my knitting stuff I would find it and take it back so it wasn't even worth the energy to think about doing it. I know overall my well-being was the primary concern,but even suggesting a few weeks without knitting... OMG!

Progress on my July sock club socks has stalled. Mainly because I'm frustrated with the pattern and after an hour of working on them this past weekend I had to just walk away. When I am in a better place in regards to this pattern I will resume working on them. What scares me is that this is just the first one. Then again, the second sock of any pattern is always easier for me because I have the pattern down by that point.

I think that is all the rambling I'll subject y'all to today.

Until later . . .

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