

The Ziploc Bag

The Official Sock Yarn Blankie Square Count for August 25, 2009:

Squares Needed: 736

Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 80

Squares Ready to be Added: 1

Remaining Squares Needed: LOTS! In real numbers 655

So, so, so close to breaking 100 squares!

Blankie has found refuge in a Ziploc bag due to its ever growing size. When KP saw this the other day she smiled. She had been promoting the idea of some time now. Realistically speaking, blankie will probably have to soon relocate for the same reason. So, I've been trying to figure out where the next home for SB will be. Time will tell I guess.

My worst fears about this project have come true - I have an ever growing thirst for sock yarn scraps. I believe I recently mentioned how the sock yarn in my stash has been teasing me. All that great yarn just waiting to added to blankie, but can't because I haven't made a pair of socks from them yet. My latest and greatest thought is that I could totally take the 10 - 12 yards needed for one square without compromising any future pair of socks - right!? In all seriousness, I do need to figure out other sources of yarn for this venture. I have a good momentum going and I don't want to slow things down.

A lot of people ask me when I'm going to weave in the ends of the squares. Yeah, I don't like weaving in ends - on any project I do. So, I've come up with a way to avoid that!

Last thought for today on this particular project. . . I'm hoping to have enough width on it by the time the really cold weather comes around so I can use to it cover up my legs a bit. Maybe just enough for a foot/ankle warmer. That's realistic, isn't it!?

Until later . . .

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