

Your Opinion Counts

Oh what a week it's been . . .

  • Trying really, really hard to figure out this whole face value thing.
  • Challah. Hummus. Ice Cream. Completely void of any nutrition value, but OH SO YUMMY!
  • Sleep Optional . . .
  • Knitting Optional?
  • "No, I don't pray, but I'll say one for you."
  • The yarn g-ds know just the right times to deliver yarn.
  • Learning to dye yarn changes everything.
  • I should be upset, but I'm oddly calm - what's going on?
  • One down; fourteen more to go?
  • I'm not worried about the needles hurting me; I'm more worried the stitches will come off the needles.
  • Yay for skinny jeans!
  • No, I don't hate anyone. I should, but I don't.
  • Irv Kupcinet
  • SWT

Until later . . .

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