

Can One Hang Around Too Many Attorneys?

Apparently uttering the phrase "due diligence" is cause for concern that you are hanging around too many attorneys. This is of course according to one of my friends who is an attorney. As much as I love this particular person of all my "attorney friends" this is the one who take their job the most seriously. I know this because the first thing they told me when I met them for the first time was "Just so you know, I'm an attorney. So, if you are planning on doing something illegal don't tell me because I will have to report it to the authorities." Wow! None of my other lawyerly type friends have ever told me that. Now, granted it's not like I have THAT many friends that are attorneys. Just the right amount if you ask me. Just enough so I can get my "legallies"fix periodically without it becoming a way of life. Sadly, none of my attorney type friends have ever been of any use to me when I've needed legal advice or representation. They specialize in fields like Workers Comp, Intellectual Property and Social Service. Damn them!

I've been in denial that summer is coming to an end. I'm not exactly sure where it went. I first came to this realization earlier this past week when I looked outside around 7:30ish and realized the sun was setting. Umm. . . . Who approved this!? Today's reminder came when I got an e-mail about Rosh Hashanah services and dinner. Yep! Summer is officially over if we're starting to think about Rosh Hashanah. Crap monkey!

I can't believe the New Year really upon us again. It's hard to believe. Another year has passed and in three weeks it will be time to start reflecting on the sins of the past year and asking for forgiveness once again. That's where I'll leave things for now. There is plenty to say on this topic, but now it not the time.

If there is one good thing about the summer ending its that I get to wear all my cute business casual/business dress clothes again to work. Not that I couldn't wear them this summer, but the office goes casual during the summer months and honestly I don't dress up for work if I don't have too. However, I can't say I'll be totally bummed to go back to nice clothes again.

Until later . . .

1 comment:

sara said...

Rosh Hashanah sneaks up on me every year. And generally I think about my sins all the time. I don't wait for Elul. It's probably unhealthy.

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