

Jack Of Many Trades; Master Of None

One thing that bothers me about myself is that I know some about a lot of different things. Pick a topic - knitting, technology, my chosen profession, photography . . . you get the picture. However, if you were to ask me which area I excel and am a master in I couldn't give you an answer - even if my life depended on it. I'm hoping to figure this out one of these days.

As part of this road to self discovery, I continue to focus my time during the day on the work project I mentioned a few weeks back. Originally, I thought I was only being recruited for the front-end and middle pieces of the project. I didn't expect that I would actually be putting together the back-end piece as well. It's been very educational experience. I'm thankful that I was recruited for this project.

My sources tell me at the Dish Rag Tag boxes will be shipped to team captains in the near future. I'm so excited! I don't have all my goodies ready yet, but the news did get me pumped and I'll be running out this week to get everything together. I'm very proud to say my whole team was expedient about checking in with me. We are all ready to rock 'n' roll! I do still have to work on our group avatar. . .hmmm. . . In the meantime, yarn for the End of Summer swap is showing up in my mailbox almost daily. So far, I have been fortunate to have such great swappers participating and haven't really run into many, if at all any, problems (knock on wood). One swapper is from the UK. There was a moment when we didn't know how to reconcile the cost of postage issue. To purchase US postage was going to cost her more than the yarn itself. The first solution that was purposed to this problem was that she would add in additional yarn to the package for me. This would compensate me for the cost of postage. The other suggestion was to just PayPal the monies. Would you believe I actually contemplated what I wanted to do??? In the end I'm ending up with extra yarn - Oh darn! I would have been fine either way, however now that I know I'm getting "extra" yarn there is a part of me that hopes it's something I can't get here in the states. I will be happy with whatever I get.

Since sleep is a rare thing for me these days the fact that I feel myself fading is a good thing so I will say goodbye - and Happy Knitting!

Until later . . .

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