

All Stitched Up

My mind is running around in circles and it feels as though I am too even though in reality it really isn't the case. It's getting to be that time of year when things start to get busy, and time flys by even faster than normal. Since I haven't mentioned anything knitting related aside from blankie and DRT updates I'll start there:

The follow list is why I do not like juggling multiple projects -

"The Clap":

Yes, "the clap" sounds like a really nasty medical condition. In reality, it's a beautiful scarf/shawl that I've been talking about making for almost a year. The full name is Clapotis.

Originally I was going to make it to wear to the Yelp holiday party last December, but by the time I decided this there wasn't realistically enough time for me to make it. Or at least do it right. After that other projects took priority. Finally I broken down and casted-on this project last week. Then I frogged it because I messed up and I didn't feel I could figure out where the mistake was. Additionally I really wanted a more in-depth aide to help me through this project. One of the girls at "yarn heaven" told me about the Rav group where I could source a very nifty excel spreadsheet that detailed the pattern. Since I want to make this as pain free as possible I took it one step further and copied all the repeat directions the number of times need. In the end I have a spreadsheet which I believe to have every row of this accounted for. No counting in an ad-hock fashion how many repeats I've done this time. It's too disorganized and confusing for me. If it works out as planned I will post it on Rav for others to access. This is my first lace project and I figured it's a good introduction before I attack the overlay I plan to make for my grandmother's cedar chest.

Dish Rags:

Duh! It's Dish Rag Tag time so now is when I must make everyone I've ever known dish rags. In reality, three batches. That is all I can say about that at this time. Sorry folks!


The July Sock Club socks and I still haven't kissed and made up. I've thought about though! It is getting to that time of year to turn to forgiveness, right!? I'm also in the process of developing the pattern for BFF's Birthday socks. I picked out the yarn last weekend for said pair. A beautiful shade of blue alpaca yarn has been lying on my ottoman just waiting to be caked.


There are other miscellaneous project being made here and there as needed. I need to make myself another Brangelina Hat one of these days. I can't for the life of me figure out where it went, but know that it was the warmest hat I had all winter so another hat must be made. Also, I'm going to make myself a Unoriginal Hat. I've had the yarn for that since last December's trip to Lorna's Laces.

This weekend is all about knitting hands down! Four straight days of knitting which started last night. It also marks a potentially expensive weekend. As of last night Stitches Midwest 2009 opened and runs through Sunday. I am only going one day, but will have enough time to do some major damage. Last year I only spent a whopping $14... ok, maybe over $15 when you factor in tax. This year, since I've expanded my project base anything is possible. It will also be a time to bond with my knitting peeps from all over the area. I'm really looking forward to it. I'm thinking about taking my good camera to document the event, but that is yet to be decided.

Speaking of cameras and pictures. . . The lazy side of me wishes there was some way to upload picture to Flickr and Facebook at the same time or somehow have a bridge between the two services. I have a ton of pictures from Monday that I want to post on both sites however it gets to tedious and time consuming to do so. I've already started, but it's a small start.(Ok, rant over.)

With Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur right around the corner I found this of idea of interest. I believe the premise to be a means to encourage others to ask others for forgiveness. An interesting way of intergrating the tradition of the high holidays and social networking:

Project Forgiveness

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Until later . . .

1 comment:

Wren said...

I'm right there with you. My clapotis had to be frogged about EIGHT DAMN TIMES before I got the hang of it. And then? The pattern stuck in my noggin and I've breezed through a bit of it. I sorta put it down for a while (fine, two weeks. It's been two weeks.) I have a bunch of things that I need to get finished NOW (or as close to NOW as possible) so I am planning on being a knittin' fool this weekend. Hopefully I'll finish one of the mitts I'm knitting tonight.

Good luck! *salutes* <3

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