

More On Forgiveness

It started over a week ago when I sent someone who was a friend of mine in Jr. High a message via Facebook thanking them for introducing me to one of my best friends. Yes, it was a random message, and I acknowledged that, but it was something I had always said I would do had I ever spoken to this person again. So I did.

I don't know what I had anticipated their response to this message to be. I really didn't want a response back. (I just wanted to make sure I had expressed my appreciate.) However, I got one. One that I would never have anticipated.

The Cliff Notes Version:

They had actually wondered how I knew Moral Compass as they didn't remember introducing us. Furthermore, their intention for introducing us was probably more selfish based than it was intended for our personal benefit. **Alrighty then!** As I continued to read the message this individual basically went into an apology for their behavior towards me during our time as "friends." Apparently they had intentionally been mean to me during our Jr. High days. They were happy to know they had done something right by me, but still felt bad about their actions towards me.

WOW! Just WOW!

The message ended by stating that they hoped I could forgive them, but would understand if I couldn't.

WOW! Just WOW!

I started thinking back to every memory I had of Jr. High. Yes, it wasn't a walk in the park, but whose Jr. High years were? I started to question everything wondering if every thing I had gone through was a result of this individual's, who I thought was my friend, actions.

As I said, that was a week ago. I haven't replied back to them. I don't know exactly what to say. What I want to say. I know I have been through far worse since those days. I know what my philosophy towards forgiveness is as well. Maybe it's this individual who needs to forgive themselves?! When all is
said and done, when I have the words I write this individual back and let them know where I stand.

In a few weeks I'm suppose to meet-up with another Jr. High "peep" who was part of our group as well and still good friends with the individual in question. They are visiting the area and wanted to visit and catch up. Part of me is excited, the other part a little nervous what other information may come to light. Whatever the case may be, the timing of all this is ironic with Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur just around the corner.

A time when I think about forgiveness just that much more than I do during the remainder of the year.

Until later . . .

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