

Special Kind Of. . .

KP got me started on it. . . "I'm a special kind of (insert adjective)." I guess it's only fair because I got her hooked on the phrase "crap monkey." I only bring this up because I had my own "special kind" of moment today that is still on my mind. I'm sure it will leave my mind soon, but in the mean time Go Me!

What's also on my mind - this weekend. I truly do have this problem with finding balance with my time. The Jewish high holidays start this weekend and I will be with my family (as one would expect). I'm also using this as an opportunity to meet-up with some of my friends whom I don't see on a regular basis. Yes, we live relatively close, but never see each other. Understandable I guess since we're not next door neighbors, but I do want to make more of an effort to see these people. It all makes for another hectic weekend. I have to remember this feeling when the slower weekends come along - it all seems to be cyclical. At the end of the day, I'm still searching for that balance I so greatly crave.

Speaking of balance, my ability to forgive is being tested once again. This time it leaves me asking the person in question - Why now? Why do you want to come back into my life now? It was truly an unexpected return and maybe the mere fact that I felt the need to ask the question means that I won't be able to let them back in my life again. Or, at least not at the drop of a hat. I guess time will tell if they are meant to be a more permanent fixture then once believed and what their presence in my life is truly about. Just having to go "back there" has shown me how I've grown and changed since I last spoke to them. I hope they have grown as well . . . On top of all that, this got me wondering what if the truly unexpected and unlikely happened. How would I feel about that? I haven't come up with that answer yet and don't plan to really focus on it. As I've always said, should the situation arise I will deal with it then.

I've been working feverishly on getting the finishing touches done for the swap so I can send off everyones yarn. I know there are some whom are waiting anxiously. I've also been finishing making dish rags I'll give my sil as a hostess gift. I'm sad to say this is the first time I'm giving her a hostess gift in years. I really hope she likes what I made. I debated about the sizes of the dish rags and came up with making three: one small, one medium and one large. I'm topping off the package with a nice bar of soap and a pretty ribbon. I just hope I can remember how to put a fancy ribbon together. I got a lesson a few years back so it's been awhile. Since I can't go back to my teacher for a refresher lesson - here's to hopin'! If I can remember, I'll post pictures regardless of how it turns out. Now onto the baby blanket. I found a pattern I want to make. In true "me" fashion, my friend and their spouse will be receiving a card with a picture of said blanket in progress. There is no way I will have it done by the time this child makes their way into this world. I'm just THRILLED to have found a pattern to inspire me. I also want to get started on BFF's socks. I have a pattern in mind and yarn in a ball. Now I just need to cast-on and go for it.

Before I sign-off, I want to give props to President Obama for being so down-to-earth. If you haven't heard already, he was recorded calling Kayne West a jackass for what he did to Taylor Swift at VMAs this past weekend. If you haven't heard the comments, here you go:

That said, I know writing about it just fuels the fire and give Kayne more publicity than he ever deserved. However, this is not about him. It's about our President and the slack he's getting for the statement he made. I see nothing wrong with his comments and furthermore, I think it's refreshing to have a President that is not afraid to show that he too is an everyday person who will call it like he sees it. Way to go Mr. President!

Until later . . .

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