

"A New Year For Knitters"

One of my fellow Jewish Raverlors wrote this and I thought it was very nice . . .

"As Rosh HaShana approaches, you may still find me knitting
I should be baking honey cakes, instead here I am sitting
With my needles and yarn- finishing my log cabin afghan
Although, I did say that I would work on my menu plan!
Surely others can tell you how addictions tend to be
For some chocolate “calls” them (especially a “she”)
But I could be in the middle of cooking dinner for eight
When suddenly I hear my yarn singing – no, he won’t wait
And my needles stroll along, (with its cable) into my kitchen
Declaring, “Why are you cooking - when you could be stitchin?”
And who is that following him, rolling along at a quick pace
I would spot that one anywhere, that’s not just a “plain face!”
I chose him myself - a perfect accent for the jumper with the belt
That’s my soft 100% wool (magenta) making his presence “felt”
Just when I thought I could win this battle, set my goals straight
Books flutter in on the tips of their pages; is it too late?
“Take a look at this idea, a simple pattern, fast and upbeat
With your jumbo needles, (in garter), 1-2-3 it’s complete!”
It’s obvious, this is war - and although I’m not one to fight
This time of year, especially… I want to fight for what’s right!
I pick up my skillet, and threaten to strike anything on my trail
I yearn for victory, with optimism; I won’t fail
The needles, the yarn and their friends – those ideas galore
Lined up, neat as a stockinette row, and head for the door
We know that this time of year, they don’t stand a chance
They exited it quickly, barely giving me a glance
Feeling victorious, I peek at the full basket apples, shiny & red
Are they beaming with joy, or are those thoughts in my head?
I sit in my favorite chair, ignoring the “other” basket at my side
And realize that, with effort, I can succeed if I really tried
I add a prayer to H-Shem, “Please help me set priorities right”
I’ll find time to learn about improving myself, even if time is tight
So to all you knitters out there, I give my blessings:

May your joy increase.
May your sorrow and worry decrease.
May H-Shem make one great year for you and yours.
May the pattern of your days be filled with beautiful, bright colors.
May you feel H-Shem’s goodness and love wrap around you like a warm (hand-knit!) shawl."

1 comment:

Melissa said...

i don't even knit and i thought it was cute.

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