

Picture Correction

• How many photographers really step foot in front of their own camera on a regular, voluntary basis?

• Use to think Jewish mothers were trained by the CIA/FBI; now I realize it's the other way around.

• Wouldn't it be nice of life we're like a photo editing program! You could just make it look totally different with the click of mouse.

• I didn't realize that you were mean to me until you told me you were. Thank you?!

• Go Dastardlies!

• 82 and 65 is a lot of squares.

• It was awkward.

• It's amazing what the projects you choose say about you.

• Yarn, yarn and more yarn.

• Murphy's Law - DRT style.

• You're suppose to drink the coffee - not spill it all over.

• The one person missed is the one known the least.

• Blue Coin

• One was missing and I didn't even know it.

Until later . . .

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