

So Close; Yet So Far Away

It's been 12 hours plus since Yom Kippur started and thus fasting began.

I've gone hardcore this year - or that is how I use to refer to it. In the two prior years I've fasted I at the very least allowed myself water. I rationalized this action by saying it wasn't healthy to not hydrate the body for 24 hours straight. This year, however, I changed my mind and am not allowing myself water as well as food. Why I've decided to do this I'm not sure. One could ask that of why I decided to observe Passover more strictly then I did the year prior.

Regardless of the reasons, here I am just a few hours away from my break-fast meal. The signs of hunger come and go depending on what I'm doing. I find the noon hour to be the most difficult as I'm programmed to seek out food around that time. As with last year, from time-to-time I find myself thinking about what I'm going get to eat. I've actually began to physically make my way to the kitchen as well. Only to stop myself of course.

We all have our different strategies for making it through the fast. The one that always stuck out in my mind was MC's - sleep a lot and watch a lot of movies (avoiding any gangster type movies that tend to have a lot of food in them). Mine, well, sleeping is part of it, but mainly I just remind myself of the purpose behind fasting.

Until later . . .

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