

The Dark Side Has Cookies!

What would Tuesday be without a blankie update . . .

The Official Sock Yarn Blankie Square Count for September 1, 2009:

Squares Needed: 736

Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 82

Squares Ready to be Added: 0

Remaining Squares Needed: LOTS! In real numbers 654

It's been a slow week for blankie. However, I have been working a lot on the second one which I don't talk about as often. I don't need to have it finished for another 3 years or so. It's up to something like 65 squares. Not bad considering I hardly work on it right now.

During the past couple of weeks, when others here about this project I've gotten some interesting responses. Usually others can't believe that I've decided to take on such a great under taking. Then when I tell them I'm making two. . . Normally I wouldn't attempted to make two of these time consuming blankets. The second one is for my mom so I do it with much pleasure. When I was first starting blankie, mom saw me working on it and commented on beautiful it was. Then she said she'd like one. Even telling me she'd pay me to make it. First things first - I would never charge my mother. . . Come on! It's my mom. After I explained the depth of the project and that it's a copy righted pattern so I couldn't charge her even if I wanted too she told me she would understand if I choose not to make her one. After mulling it over for a few hours I decided to make it for her next milestone birthday. Nothing could ever come close to the gift I got her for her last milestone birthday so I figured this would be the next best thing.

All my postings about mini-skein swaps and pictures has one of my Rav friends considering starting this marathon project as well. My words of encouragement . . "Come to the dark side . . . We've got cookies!"

Until later . . .

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