

The Last Weekend Of Summer

I was watching a news show this morning. The host ended the show by making comments about the last weekend of summer.

"The last weekend of summer." It really hadn't hit that we had just had the last weekend of summer. Yes, I knew the Fall equinox was taking place on the 22nd of this month, but I forgot that was right around the corner as most, such as myself, consider Labor Day weekend the last weekend of summer.

Nonetheless, it was the last official weekend of summer and how appropriate given that this is the weekend many, such as myself and my family, celebrated the beginning of a New Year. As I predicted this weekend was hectic. Two high holiday services. Two high holiday dinners. And I'm convinced I've gained back all the weight I lost this summer in those two sittings. A small price to pay I guess. Along with that a few non-holiday plans as well.

This weekend was full of memories . . .

Family dinner and thought provoking services. Bets as to whether or not certain stores would be open or not due to the high holidays. Crashing my friends' family dinner (well, I call it crash despite the fact that my friends insisted I was not since they were the ones who extended the invitation to me). Conversing with the cutest and most amazing 4 - and 2 - year-olds (it's amazing how quickly they grow-up and change). Time with an old friend and reminiscing about when we were kids and contemplating the future. Learning a new source of fashionable yet super inexpensive purses for a night out on the town. The comfort of being able to find a loved one more easily than before. A long awaited mani/pedi and a wet walk back afterwards (good thing I have no problem with getting soaking wet). A great comeback for the Bears when it appeared they were about to give-up yet another game.

Overall, it seemed like I was rushing to get from one place to another with little or no time to stop to take a breather all weekend. Though I may seem to complain about this, I wouldn't have traded any of it.

It was a great last weekend of summer.

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

sounds like a nice weekend. what are some of the cute things your niece and nephew say?

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