

Back In Action

I've been somewhat absent over the past few days - in case you haven't noticed. It's been a crazy week(end) and blogging was the last thing on my mind. If it hadn't been for BFF questioning what Sock Wars was all about I probably wouldn't have even cranked out Saturday's post.

So life has been crazy. There is a lot going on and sometimes it amazes me how I seem to juggle it all. Actually, what I am more in amazement about is my reaction these days to those things I have no control over. I had something big happen and after I began to deal with the situation I took a step back. I started to wonder if I'm in the right body. Once upon a time I would not have been as calm and collected as I am about what happened. But, I was/am calm and collected which makes deal with less than pleasant things a lot easier.

My mom use to tell me that after the age of 26 a person is who they are going to be and that usually doesn't change. That doesn't mean they won't change at all. It just means that the changes will be more subtle. I guess this is one of those subtle changes for me.

Honestly, I'm happy about this change. In the long run it will take me far. What I find even more heart-warming is that others are taking notice of this transformation as well. I kind of feel that one can believe they've changed all they want, but when others take notice you get confirmation change has actually taken place. Normally, I don't place lot on what others think of me. Love me; hate me. I am who I am. However, in this case I'm glad to see others are taking notice. It means a lot to me and makes me feel even better than I already do.

Until later . . .

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