

Socktacular Saturday

If you haven't figured out by now I LOVE knitting socks. A lot. The only reason I haven't knit as many socks as I would like has to do with the fact that I want to have blankie done by this November.

Recently I decided to try and knit multiple socks at one time. Clearly, the blankie challenge wasn't enough. Now I need to see how many pairs of sock I can handle at one time.

So, here we go. I will be knitting the "BFF B-Day, Rosh Hashannah, Yom Kippur, Thanksgiving, Hannukah, New Year's, potentially V-Day, Purim, Wedding Anniversary, April Fool's Day, Memorial Day, Summer Solstice Socks," "Small Feet Socks" and "Husband Socks" all at the same time. Yep, that's right! Three pairs at the same time.

The goal is to actually complete them all within the first quarter of 2010. Preferably, by the end of February.

Let the fun begin!

Until later . . .


Melissa said...

you forgot passover. ;)

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see you're keeping yourself busy. I'll be busy too, knitting your death socks.


Your Sock Wars Assassin, Darth Bargle
(arglebargle on Ravelry)

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