

Food Coma

• Food Coma - there seems to be a lot of these lately

• Death by socks

• I willingly opened Pandora's box . . . Crap Monkey! What was I thinking?

• After knowing them for close to a decade I find out we're distant family - the world just got smaller!

• "That's ok. I'll let you have my piece of Cauliflower."

• I prefer the Glee version to the original

• What's this white stuff floating around? I don't remember authorizing it.

• Pinch me, I need to make sure I'm not dreaming

• Now there is another reason to look forward to Spring - Lorna's!

• Born to Organize

• If you can't find the right word in the English language there is probably a Yiddish one that works perfectly

• There is no place like home!

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

i like the "glee" comment. :)

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