

The Remaining 363 Days

Tomorrow afternoon I am reintroduced to that scary world called reality. At this point in time I am enjoying my last couple of hours of "freedom."

Seriously, it's not as bad as I'm making it out to be. It's just that the past two days have been really nice. Lots of laughs, relaxation, happy things and thoughts. So much so that when some drama tried to creep its way into my life this morning I simply said, "No thank you" and looked the other way.

All this pleasantness got me thinking . . . If I keep this pleasant mindset going would it make the remaining 363 days of 2010 (or at least a majority of them) happy ones? I guess we shall see! Like The Little Engine That Could I plan to keep thinking, "I think I can. I think I can." Mindset is half the battle, right!? Which means, I guess, I have officially set a New Year's resolution - sorta - even though I didn't really want to set one. Oh well, it's all good!

Until later . . .

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