


The Official Sock Yarn Blankie Square Count for June 8, 2010:

Squares Needed: 736

Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 706

Remaining Squares Needed:30

Setting and achieving a goal is an interesting process.

You take something that seems totally out of reach and then, in theory, you work your ass off to fulfill that goal.

• When I was in high school I set out to prove that I wasn't stupid despite the obstacles I face with learning. When I graduated, I did so in the top 25 percent of my class.

• When I started at TCU, some of my credits didn't transfer the way I expected (believed) they should have. I felt I should get degree credits for the media writing class I had taken at my former university when the powers that be felt otherwise. I set out to get credit for that class and guess what happened . . .

• Oh, and don't get me started about the grammar, spelling and punctuation exam I had to take in order to be able to register for Media Writing II. However, my determination would not let up and I did what I had to do in so I could study AD/PR.

• The summer of 2002 I decided I was going to start running and that by the end of the season I would run at least 3 miles without wanting to keel-over. By the end of the season, and for the next year, or so I worked my way up to those 3 miles - and beyond.

I could go on, but I think you got the picture.

So, here I am, close to another finish line and for the first time I feel no sense of accomplishment as I have in the past. Odd, I know. Especially since many of those around me think what I have done is amazing. Happy Hooker was telling me this weekend how she shows everyone she knows the pictures of Blankie that are posted on Facebook. Others tell me how excited they are for me.

For the first time in my life I don't feel that sense of accomplishment as I'm nearing the completion of a goal. Being in this place and feeling this way is foreign to me. It's odd and uncomfortable, but maybe it's a good thing. Maybe it's a good thing because for the first time the odd and uncomfortable doesn't upset me as it use too and that in and of itself is an accomplishment.

Until later . . .

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