

What's My Color?

(This post was for the blogging project entry dated Thursday, June 16, 2010)

I have a few friends who knit and blog and we’ve decided to embark on a blog project that has nothing to do with knitting. We’re going to take turns coming up with a topic every Thursday and we each have to blog about it by the end of that day and post links to each others’ blogs so that people can see our different perspectives on the same topic.

This week, Shara @ Desperate Madness wanted to know . . .

If you were a color, what color would you be?

Back in 2005/2006, a coworker of mine introduced me to the idea that our leadership styles and personalities can be summed up by 4 simple colors. A bit of a crazy notion, but I was willing to bite and see what happened.

It started when she sent me a story provided to her by Truecolors Careers about Margaret Cho and her personality color. My coworkers request was simple - 1) Print out the story so she could potentially incorporate it into a presentation she was giving (she was visiting from another location so she didn't have printer access) and 2)If I was so inclined, fill out the on-line personality assessment. She was going to be doing the same and we thought it would be interesting to compare and contrast the results.

When it came time to think about how I would approach today's Thursday topic, I thought of this personality assessment and thought I would revisit it. Honestly, I don't remember the results from the first time I took it, so I unfortunately don't have anything to compare current day results too.

After filling out the questionnaire I received these results:

"You are type: Blue"

My personality assessment breakdown was:

Blue: 12 Green: 10

Gold: 9 Orange: 5

The next question is, what does this all mean. Before getting into the specifics of each color according to this assessment tool, it's important to note that the web site points out the secondary colors express how you express your primary strengths.

So, first things first - I'm Blue. According to the Truecolors Careers personality assessment blue individuals:

"BLUE - To Love and Be Loved

Your heart-felt communication style creates peace and harmony in the workplace. You know how to bring out the best in others. As a Blue personality you are gifted with tremendous people skills.

You're a heart felt communicator who has a strong need to make a difference in the lives of other people. This strength is immediately noticeable in the way you make connections and bring out the best in those you encounter. People usually feel relaxed and comfortable in your presence.

You love to build self-esteem and make others feel good about who they are. You can easily motivate and inspire people to make changes in their lives and reach their potential."

So far, I'm thinking there might actually be something to this . . .

As for my secondary colors (how I execute my primary strength):

"GREEN - Value Knowledge - I'll think about it

You are an exceptionally creative problem solver who brings your ability to think outside the box to the workplace. You are a conceptual, analytical, and logical thinker. To you knowledge is power and your insatiable thirst for understanding and information is what drives you. You are an incredible problem solver but once the goal is accomplished you lose interest and need to move on. The challenge is in the ideas and not the details or implementation of your creations. Leave those things to another type that enjoys doing these things.

You are an independent worker who detests routine and prefers to work alone on projects and you often gravitate toward leadership roles."

For the most part I will say, "Keep talkin' . . ."

"GOLD - Plan It

You are conventional. You are the pillar of strength and have high respect for authority. You like to establish and maintain policies, procedures, and schedules. You have a strong sense of right and wrong. You are naturally parental and dutiful.

You are good at things that require organization, dependability, management, and detail. You need to be useful and to belong. You are the sensible, stable backbone of any group. You believe that work comes before play."

I'm not sure about all of this, but it some of it sounds familiar.

And last, but certainly not least . . .

"ORANGE - Where's the Action

You are courageous. You act on a moment's notice. You see life as a roll of the dice, a game of chance. You need stimulation, freedom, and excitement.

You value action, resourcefulness, and courage. You are generous, charming, and impulsive. You show affection through physical contact."

Ummm . . . maybe???

Of course, as you might imagine, for a nominal fee you can purchase electronic booklets that explain each color in greater depth. However, I've opted not too. At the end of the day I am taking this all with a grain of salt. Overall, I felt it was an interesting way to look at the topic of "What color are you?"

Now that you know what color I am, please visit the blogs of the other participants of this project and see what colors they are:

Jenn @ Charmingly Random

Mel @ Me!!!

Shara @ Desperate Madness

Until later . . .


Anonymous said...

I got 13 Blue
11 - Green
11 - Orange
1 - Gold

Melissa said...

i didn't get a chance to take the test yet. and here i thought you'd pick purple as your color of choice. ;)

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