

It's Back!

• Four in four - a new record

• Never expected it, but she was able to keep her mouth shut when it mattered the most.

• Pasty white is a thing of the past . . . at least for the next three months it is!

• I could act in a passive agressive manner, but I choose to take the high road.

• Of all the places a grammar error showed up and it was me of all people who caught

• At least I know it works, now I just need to get it oriented correctly.

• It went viral and I was not prepared for that

• It's like they don't want us to drive anywhere

• Maybe the best way to decide is to just flip a coin

• So much irony; so little time!

• A photo project that involves yummy food - life is tough sometimes!

• Demo Day

• Still lookin' for that decoder ring; I'm sure I left it somewhere around here.

• In this case it's definitely not what you know, but who you know!

Until later . . .

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