

Picture Perfect Friday - Week Two

This week, the list of things to be photographed was a little less inspiring then the prior one. However I completed the list. The results are below.

White Flower

Something with "1999" printed on it

I knew keeping a newsletter from the non-profit I interned at in college would come in handy one of these days.

Zoo Animal

About a month or so ago I went to Brookfield Zoo (on of our local zoos) and took a bunch of pictures. (Yes, this is a picture that was taken prior to the contest. During the course of the week I found out this was allowed.) Since I had been to the zoo back in May I decided to pull from the photos I took that day rather than shooting new ones. I chose this photo because of a story I think of each time I see this image. It goes something like this:

I'm particually fond of Camels as I rode one during my trip to Israel in 2003. As PT and I leaned against the fence that separated the Camel from us a tour trolley came along. A the trolley passed us, the tour guide was mentioning interesting facts about the shedding patterns of Camels. After hearing those comments I said without even thinking, "I wonder if you can spin and knit Camel hair." As soon as I said that I looked at PT. He was just shaking his head with that, "I'm not surprised you just said that" look. It is because of my special kind of comment that I enjoy this picture even that much more than I already would have just because I have a fondness for Camels.

Fruit Tree

Yes, this is still a fruit tree - there just isn't any fruit yet!


In honor of all the rain we keep having . . .

Another week, another five pictures. Can't wait to see what next week brings!

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Funny camel story. :)
Nice pics.

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