

Express Yourself

My frog pond these days has been more on the half-empty side then half-full end.

In an effort to make some waves, and see if I can fill it up again, I suggested the topic of "One of my favorite parts about my life is . . . " for this week's Thursday post.


Recently, there has been a lot of discussion around my love-hate relationship with writing. On several occasions I have mentioned to BFF, and some select others, that I was considering not blogging anymore. After some back-and-forth word on the matter BFF asked if I felt so passionately about putting this blog to rest why did I continue to post entries. (Leave it to her to be so direct.) After ruminating over her question and giving it the consideration it deserved I came with my answer. I continue to post on this blog because it allows me an outlet to be creative and experiment with different types of writing styles.

After explaining myself to her, I began to reflect on all the different creative arts I've participated in over my lifetime. With the exception of two short periods in my life, there hasn't been a significant period of time I wasn't active in the creative art insome way, shape or form:

Dance. Song. Music. Theater. Art. Culinary. Textile. Composition.

At any given time in my life I have participated in at least one of the above activities. From as early as 3/4-years-old I was taking ballet lessons. In elementary school I learned to play the violin and in jr. high I sang in my school's concert and show choirs, worked behind the scenes on my school's plays directing set changes and took tap dance lessons through our local park district. During summer school one year I took a baking class and also an art class - might I say how much I love pottery? In high School I was in the concert choir, on props crew and eventually an editor on the yearbook staff.

I was an Advertising/Public Relations major in college . . . which meant my whole college career was about creativity.

As an adult, though my opportunities to participate in creative activities haven't been as structured, I have still make it a priority to seek out creative outlets such as taking comedy improv classes, embracing photography and, yes, knitting (did you think I would forget that one?). (Just to name a few things.)

As I look back, I realize that I was blessed with the opportunities to express my creativity. I was blessed to have parents that were able and willing to provide me with the chance to learn more about whatever creative discipline my little heart desired. And, I was blessed with the ability learn and develop these skills.

As for my answer to BFF's question . . . I'll save that for another post in the near future. (I promise!)

With all that said that I humbly state: One of my favorite parts of my life is . . . that I have been given the chance to explore and express myself creatively.


Now that I have shared with you "one of my favorite parts of my life," please take a moment to check out what my fellow bloggers had to say on this topic:

Jenn @ Charmingly Random

Mel @ Me!!!

Shara @ Desperate Madness


Melissa said...

i enjoyed reading this post! i hope you will find your way back into the creative arts if you haven't already done so (writing counts). i remember your dance recitals. i went to quite a few. :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome! :) Being creative is so fun! I'm glad you know this, and have been able to keep up with it!

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