


This week, Mel @ Me!!! asked us this week to write about the longest relationship we've had with someone that we had never met.

The existence of virtual friendships (relationships) I believe has been around for sometime. At first I'm inclined to say the internet is solely responsible for virtual relationships, but then I think of when people use to write letters and send them to their pen pals. I would imagine the frequency of interaction wasn't as often, but still in some cases it could have been the case they were writing to others they didn't know "in real life."

As for how this topic fits into my world, I would say my friend Yelper is the longest friendship/relationship I've had with someone that I haven't met, but I've already written about them. So the topic was amended. The group was also given the option to discuss the strangest way you've ever met someone.
About this time last night, I was making my way over to kittibean's house for a slumber party of sorts. See, we weren't planning on sleeping. We all planned to get up early for an annual anniversary sale at a local yarn store today. (Think Black Friday for knitters.) Since we had to get up earlier than the crack-ass of dawn, kittiben figured why not get together and knit all night/morning until it was time to leave. I had gone back and forth all day as to whether I was going to go to the pre-sale gathering. It was over 20 years ago the last time I tried to stay up all night. I didn't know if I had it in me.

As I alluded to above, I did go to the gathering, and I'm very glad I did. It gave me an opportunity to get to know those in attendance better. I mean, it's not like I hadn't even hung out with them. However, the extended period of time gave us plenty of time to cover all sorts of topics of conversation. No holds barred people. Not to say we keep our public conversation tame; on the contrary I can't tell you the number of people we've scared off. It's just that there was a layer of each individual that got peeled back as the hours passed. (Or at least that is my feeling). Over the course of those hours I got to know these individuals better than I had in the weeks (months) I have known them which made me glad I decide to participate in this crazy gathering.

Before I sign off I want to touch on one more thing. A majority of my friends over the past couple of years have been made through knitting activities. When I share this with my non-knitting friends I sometimes get a look or reaction of - "Dear Goodness! Is that all she has in her life?" Like it's a bad thing I have found a channel in which to meet new people. Though this hobby of mine isn't the only thing I have in my life, it is the thing that has facilitated some of my most important friendships I currently hold. It has also given me the opportunity to meet some of the most lovely, caring and talented people ever. No, like anything else, not every knitter fits this description. However, overall I would say it's close to being the rule and not just an exception. So, if this were the only thing in my life I would be fine with that because I would know I was surrounding myself with some wondering individuals.

Now that you've heard my interpretation of this topic, please take a moment to read what my fellow bloggers have to say:

Jenn @ Charmingly Random
Mel @ Me!!!
Shara @ Desperate Madness

1 comment:

Melissa said...

that's great that you have met so many nice friends through knitting. it's like a community in a way, don't you think? :)

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